
Primary LanguageR


A repo to house files associated with my PhD.

Supplementary Files

Rehearsal Characteriststics.xlsx

Rehearsal characteristics for Royal Ballet productions discussed in Chapter 5.

Jump Load Function.R

Code for creating a function to calculate jump frequency and height from accelerometer data, detailed in Chapter 7.

Jump Load Spreadsheeet.xlsm

A spreadsheet containing the algorithm to calculate jump frequency and height from accelerometer data, detailed in Chapter 7.

Neural Network - LOSOCV.R

Code to reproduce the leave-one-subject-out cross validation detailed in Chapter 8.

Neural Network - All Data.R

Code to build the neural networks detailed in Chapter 8 from all participant data.

p01 data.csv – p06 data.csv

Data collected in Chapter 8, processed by ’Neural Network - LOSOCV.R’ and ’Neural Network - All Data.R’

OpenTrack Installation.R

A script that installs OpenTrack.