
programming, and real world programming

Primary LanguagePython


To do real world programming!

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  • Coursera :: Machine Learning [Andrew Ng]
  • Stanford-CS229 : Machine Learning [Andrew Ng / Dan Boneh]
  • MIT-15-097 : Prediction: Machine Learning and Statistics [Cynthia Rudin]
  • Machine Learning in Action [Peter Harrington]
  • Deep Learning: Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series [Ian Goodfellow / Yoshua Bengio / Aaron Courville]
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning [Michael Nielsen]
  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning [Christopher Bishop]
  • Python for Data Analysis [Wes McKinney]
  • Machine Learning Foundations [Hsuan-Tien Lin]
  • CMU-36-700 : Probability and Statistics [Larry Wasserman]
  • CMU-36-705 : Intermediate Statistics [Larry Wasserman]
  • Stanford-EE103 : Introduction to Matrix Methods [Stephen P. Boyd]

Computer Vision

  • Computer Vision - A Modern Approach [David A. Forsyth / Jean Ponce]
  • Computer Vision - Models, Learning, and Inference [Simon J.D. Prince]
  • Computer Vision - Algorithms and Applications [Richard Szeliski]
  • Learning OpenCV 3 [Adrian Kaehler / Gary Bradski]
  • Stanford-CS231n : Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition [Fei-Fei Li]
  • OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook [Robert Laganière]
  • Washington-CSE/EE576 : Computer Vision

Computer Graphics

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics [Peter Shirley / Michael Ashikhmin / Steve Marschner]
  • Real-time rendering [Tomas Akenine-Moller / Eric Haines]
  • Ray Tracing in One Weekend [Peter Shirley]
  • Computer Graphics with OpenGL [Donald D. Hearn / M. Pauline Baker]
  • Brown-CS1230 : Introduction To Computer Graphics
  • Learn OpenGL [Joey de Vries]
  • Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice [john F. hughes..]

Parallel Programming

  • CUDA by Example [Jason Sanders / Edward Kandrot]
  • CUDA C programming guide [NVIDIA]
  • Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? [Paul E. McKenney]
  • Caltech-CS179 : GPU Programming

Web and Network

  • Computer Networks [Andrew S. Tanenbaum / David J. Wetherall]
  • You Don't Know JS [Kyle Simpson]
  • JavaScript: The Good Parts [Douglas Crockford]
  • JavaScript: The Definitive Guide [David Flanagan]