
Simple configuration CLI generator for nodejs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Command line configuration

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Simple configuration CLI generator
Declare schema, provide both argument and interactive configuration CRUD.

  • Simple: Only have 2 API. declare schema and initialize with few options.
  • Versatile: Provides both prompt and inline configurations.
  • Extensible: Supports environment variable, command line profile overriding.
  • reliable: Typecheck for each properties.


$ npm install --save cmdconfig


Let's assume that we are building an office CLI tool which interact with S3. We need to save the user's configuration in local file, implementing functionality similar to git config aws config.


// myapp.js
const cmdconfig = require("cmdconfig");

const configSchema = cmdconfig.schema({
  "username": { type: "string", description: "Name of the user" },
  "bucketRegion": { type: ["us-east-1", "ap-northeast-2", "eu-west-1"], description: "Primary region of the bucket" },
  "timeout": { type: "number", description: "Request timeout in seconds", shared: true },
  "localCache": { type: "boolean", description: "Save files to a local directory", shared: true },

const config = cmdconfig.init({
  filename: ".myappconfig",
  schema: configSchema,




After implemented, config command is reserved. commands with options config --help and config --list are auto generated. If the program starts with config command, it's execution will be stopped after configuration procedure is done.

Inline configuration

$ myapp config --cache=false --bucketRegion=eu-west-1

Profile management

Save and load configs by profile with profile=PROFILE_NAME option.

$ myapp config --profile=dev
✔ username … katarina/dev
✔ region › ap-northeast-2
✔ save as 'dev' profile? … yes
$ myapp --profile=dev
  username: 'katarina/dev',
  bucketRegion: 'ap-northeast-2',
  timeout: 30,
  localCache: true

Environment variable

// myapp.js
const config = cmdconfig.init({
  filename: ".myappconfig",
  schema: configSchema,
  profile: process.env.MY_APP_PROFILE,
$ MY_APP_PROFILE=dev myapp
  username: 'katarina/dev',
  bucketRegion: 'ap-northeast-2',
  timeout: 30,
  localCache: true


$ myapp --username=katarina/test --localCache=false
  username: 'katarina/test',
  bucketRegion: 'us-east-1',
  timeout: 30,
  localCache: false

Change base directory and filename

Change location where the configuration file is saved. Save file to ~/.dotfiles/.myappconf (default ~/.config):

// myapp.js
const os = require("os");
const path = require("path");
const config = cmdconfig.init({
  filename: ".myappconf",
  schema: configSchema,
  base: path.join(os.homedir(), ".dotfiles"),


$ myapp config --help
  --help             Show help                                         [boolean]
  --list             Show list                                         [boolean]
  --username         Name of the user                                   [string]
  --bucketRegion     Primary region of the bucket                       [string]
  --timeout          Request timeout in seconds                         [number]
  --localCache       Save files to a local directory                   [boolean]


Print all configuration details in yaml format.

$ myapp config --list
  username: katarina
  bucketRegion: us-east-1
  username: katarina/dev
  bucketRegion: ap-northeast-2
  timeout: 30
  localCache: false


cmdconfig.schema(Schema s)

return: Schema

Validate given schema object.

cmdconfig.init(Option o)

return: config object
config object: plain javascript object with key, value map.

Parse commandline argument. if config command exist, it saves the configuration and exit. Else, it loads the configuration and provides.



Key Type Description
key1 SchemaItem Schema Item for key#1
key2 SchemaItem Schema Item for key#2
key3 SchemaItem Schema Item for key#3
... ... ...
keyN SchemaItem Schema Item for keyN


Key Type Description
type "string", "number", "boolean", string[] type of config's property. Note) "number" is string literal. not a number type.
description string (Optional) property description. It appears in --help command
shared boolean (Optional) whether the property belongs to profile or shared


Key Type Description
filename string configuration file name. ex) ".myappconfig"
schema Schema Validated schema object. returned from cmdconfig.schema API
profile string (Optional) pass value from environment variable. ex) process.env.MY_APP_CONFIG
base string (Optional) where config file stored. default path.join(os.homedir(), ".config") (~/.config)


This package is written in typescript, generating output type from schema is not supported yet (work in progress).


// src/config.ts
import * as cmdconfig from "cmdconfig";

const configSchema = cmdconfig.schema({
  "username": { type: "string", description: "Name of the user" },
  "bucketRegion": { type: ["us-east-1", "ap-northeast-2", "eu-west-1"], description: "Primary region of the bucket" },
  "timeout": { type: "number", description: "Request timeout in seconds" shared: true },
  "localCache": { type: "boolean", description: "Save files to a local directory" shared: true },

export default cmdconfig.init({
  filename: ".myappconfig",
  schema: configSchema,
}) as {
  username: string;
  bucketRegion: "us-east-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | "eu-west-1";
  timeout: number;
  localCache: boolean;

// src/index.ts
import config from "./config";

