Primary LanguageMATLAB


Wide Band Harmonic Sinusoidal Modeling in Matlab

A matlab implementation for wide band hamonics harmonic sinusoidal modeling. The original paper is here http://mtg.upf.edu/node/1020

Current state:
Analysis phase and sysnthesis phase was constructed. However, it still work not well(probably caused by different pulse onset detection tech).


Testing the maximally flat phase alignment(MFPA) as pulse onset detection tech.

Data/Directory info

/pitch detection: YAAPT algorithm for pitch detection

OnsetDetection.m: Use maximum/minimum local difference criterion. It is necessary to modify the algorithm first.

WBHSM_DEMO.m:Main script

WBHSM_ana.m:Analysis part with periodization method

WBHSM_syn:Synthesis part