Cadana Exchange Challenge


The Cadana Exchange Challenge involves building a client that retrieves exchange rate data from multiple services, selecting results from the quickest response, and discarding slow requests. This document provides a brief description of the challenge's goal and outlines the architecture used.



Build a client that efficiently retrieves exchange rate data by prioritizing responses from the fastest services, discarding slower ones.

Tools used

  • Go (programming language)
  • Docker (containerization platform)
  • Docker Compose (orchestration tool for Docker)
  • Redis (in-memory data structure store)



Ensure that Docker is installed on your machine before proceeding.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project root.

    cd cadana
  3. Start the exchange servers and client servers using Docker Compose.

    docker compose up
  4. Access the people module and start the application that consumes data from the client server and performs manipulations on the Person objects.

    cd people
    go run cmd/main.go