From Nand To Tetris

Building a Modern Computer From First Principles

Project 1

Given Nand, build the following logic gates:

  • Not
  • And
  • Or
  • Xor
  • Mux
  • DMux
  • Not16
  • And16
  • Or16
  • Mux16
  • Or8Way
  • Mux4Way16
  • Mux8Way16
  • DMux4Way
  • DMux8Way

Project 2

Given the logic gates from Project 1, build the following chips:

  • HalfAdder
  • FullAdder
  • Add16
  • Inc16
  • ALU

Project 3

Given a Data Flip Flop chip and all chips built in Project 1 and Project 2, build the following chips:

  • Bit
  • Register
  • RAM8
  • RAM64
  • RAM512
  • RAM5K
  • RAM16K
  • PC

Project 4

Write the following programs in the machine language, HACK:


Calculate and store the product of RAM[0] and RAM[1] in RAM[2]


When a user is pressing any key on the keyboard, fill the screen black. When a user is not pressing any key, fill the screen white.

Project 5

With the Hack machine language specification and previously built chips, build the following:

  • a CPU (with ALU, A Register and D Register)
  • a Memory unit (with 16K RAM, 8K Screen RAM, Keyboard register)
  • the Hack computer (with CPU, Memory, ROM32K)

Project 6

Build an Assembler that turns a Hack assembly program into Hack machine code:

Project 7

Build a VM Translator that turns a VM program into Hack assembly:

Project 8

Complete the VM translator by adding translations for branching and function commands.

Project 9

Learn the Jack programming language. Create a Snake game.

Project 10

Compilers Part 1: Create the tokenizer and the parser for the Jack language.

Project 11

Compilers Part 2: Create the code generator to generate a VM program using the analyzer from project 10.

Projeect 12

Implement the following classes that make up the HACK Operating System:

  • Math
  • Memory
  • Screen
  • Output
  • Keyboard
  • String
  • Array
  • Sys