
Operator for devfile registry

Primary LanguageGoEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

Devfile Registry Operator

Devfile Registry operator repository that contains the operator for the DevfileRegistry Custom Resource.

Issue Tracking

Issue tracking repo: https://github.com/devfile/api with label area/registry

Running the controller in a cluster

The controller can be deployed to a cluster provided you are logged in with cluster-admin credentials:

export IMG=quay.io/devfile/registry-operator:next
make install && make deploy


The repository contains a Makefile; building and deploying can be configured via the environment variables

variable purpose default value
IMG Image used for controller quay.io/devfile/registry-operator:next

Some of the rules supported by the makefile:

rule purpose
docker-build build registry operator docker image
docker-push push registry operator docker image
deploy deploy operator to cluster
install create the devfile registry CRDs on the cluster
uninstall remove the devfile registry operator and CRDs from the cluster
manifests Generate manifests e.g. CRD, RBAC etc.
generate Generate the API type definitions. Must be run after modifying the DevfileRegistry type.
test_integration Run the integration tests for the operator.

To see all rules supported by the makefile, run make help


To run integration tests for the operator, run make test_integration.

By default, the tests will use the default image for the operator, quay.io/devfile/registry-operator:next. To use your own image, run:

export IMG=<your-operator-image>
make test_integration

Run operator locally

It's possible to run an instance of the operator locally while communicating with a cluster.

export NAMESPACE=devfileregistry-operator
make run ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false