Indigo Minimalist Jekyll Template - Demo · Build Status

This is a simple and minimalist template for Jekyll for those who likes to eat noodles.

What has inside | Setup | Settings | How to

What has inside


  1. ⭐ to the project. 🤘
  2. Fork the project Indigo
  3. Edit _config.yml with your data (check settings section)
  4. Write some posts :bowtie:

If you want to test locally on your machine, do the following steps also:

  1. Install Jekyll, NodeJS and Bundler.
> brew install ruby
> gem install -n /usr/local/bin jeykll
> gem install bundler
  1. Clone the forked repo on your machine
  2. Enter the cloned folder via terminal and run bundle install
  3. Then run bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config-dev.yml
  4. Open it in your browser: http://localhost:4000
  5. Do you want to use the jekyll-admin plugin to edit your posts? Go to the admin panel: http://localhost:4000/admin. The admin panel will not work on GitHub Pages, only locally.


You must fill some informations on _config.yml to customize your site.

name: John Doe
bio: 'A Man who travels the world eating noodles'
picture: 'assets/images/profile.jpg'

and lot of other options, like width, projects, pages, read-time, tags, related posts, animations, multiple-authors, etc.

How To?

Check the FAQ if you have any doubt or problem.


MIT License © Sérgio Kopplin