
Please scroll down for instructions.

Primary LanguagePython


You need to:

  1. Install the github app.
    • You don’t need to make an account (anymore). Please don't. (regular github users are fine- but adding an account for those who aren't will just create more confusion)
  1. Install Python
    • You should see a big green button under Python 3.6 version. Click it and agree to all of it.
  1. Decide where you want this. I suggest inside your documents folder, make a folder named prerequisite_checks. Inside that folder, make a folder called SIBI_Reports (no spaces).

  2. Please create the prerequisites.xlsx file- put it inside prerequisite_checks.

    • Each column header is the name of the course, each row below is a required prerequisite. If prerequisites can be satisfied multiple ways, add more columns for the course (as per the example… which is a fictitious example).
    • Each column represents a different way to satisfy the prerequisites.
    • You should likely name it EE_prerequisites.xlsx or such. Whatever you name it, leave it where it is. No changing after I visit to set up.

    For example, the Excel file prerequisites.xlsx contains the following:











    This means that:

    • there are two ways to satisfy the prerequisites for ME2120 (no space allowed):
    • Either MTH234
    • or (ME1040 and EGR1010).
    • there is one way to satisfy the prerequisites for ME3120: ME2120.
    • there is one way to satisfy the prerequisites for ME4321: a C grade or higher in ME3210
  3. Create a transfer spreadsheet

    • This is useful for
      • Temporary acknowledgment of prerequisite fulfillment prior to transfer credits being posted
      • Graduate students who don’t have undergraduate courses transferred and evaluated formally.
    • An example is given as Student_prerequisite_data_Example.xlsx (click on the link to download it).
    • Put the file inside prerequisite_checks.
    • This spreadsheet allows you to note that you’ve agreed that a course requirement has been completed for the sake of satisfying prerequisites.
    • This is useful when considering transfer students whose transcripts have yet to post so that you avoid false warnings.
    • You don’t have to use it, but you must provide the empty one (where you may add to it later).


Once this is all set up by me, you:

  • Put your **raw unedited**[1] SIBI reports inside SIBI_Reports (I know, right?)
  • Method 1:
  • Select Anaconda Prompt from your Windows menu.
  • Method 2:
  • Double click on the file named Check_Prerequisites.py.
  • Watch the text go by until it tells you that it's done.
  • Close the window and enjoy your refined results.

This won’t complete the process, I will have to:

  • Install the WSU-SIBI package - Run the Anaconda Prompt (now on your windows start menu, in the Anaconda3 folder) - execute pip install -e . in the root directory for the prerequisite package.

  • Run the Jupyter notebook and configure to your settings

  • Save the script and notebook to a better location.

  • Edit the ipython lines out of the script file.

  • Edit activate.bat in the folder (Sometimes located elsewhere- run anaconda prompt and it will briefly show at the top of the window)

    C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts and add the line

    python (pathto)Check_Prerequisites.py.

  • Demonstrate how to use it.

However, doing all of the above will mean that we won’t have to wait while I do the above things for you (or worse, we don’t have the files ready and I have to come back later.).

[1] You know who you are... don't!