
code related to viviano, park, voineskos, & chakravarty 2016

Primary LanguageMATLAB

A collection of scripts used to perform the analysis in

Cross-network integration in the human cerebellum. Viviano, Park, Voineskos, & Chakravarty, 2015. The Journal of Thoughts and Feelings.


External code I depend on and could not package.


External code I depend on and could package. See includes/README.md for details.



Takes the raw HCP anatomical & functional data, as downloaded, and:

  • Performs aCompCor-style nusiance regression on the data.
    • Mean white matter, ventrical regressors + 1 lag.
    • Physiological + head motion regression + derivatives.
    • Top 5 principal components from the white matter and ventricals.
    • Linear detrend.
  • Nonlinearly warps MNI-space data to native space.
  • Smooths the functional data in volume space.
  • Aligns Civet .obj files to native space, converts them to freesurfer, and projects functional data onto them.
  • Performs surface smoothing.

NB: Wrong script in repo atm!!!


A function that takes and input subject's T1 and generates n random equally-spaced ROIs. This can then be propogated to the other subjects via surface space.


Takes the pre-processed functional data, MaGeT-Brain non-cortical segmentations, and Civet cortical measures, to compute:

  • BOLD functional connectivity (run-wise).
  • T1 intensity correlations (group-wise).
  • Volume - Volume correlations (group-wise).
  • Volume - Thickness correlations (group-wise).


This script generates most of the outputs / figures found in the paper. It references a host of subroutines I wrote to accomplish various small tasks. Note that many subroutines aren't being used for anything any longer. I left them in this repo because they might be of use to someone, even if they weren't ultimately usefule to me for this project.

  • plots the cortico-cortico & cerebellar-cortico correlation matricies. [dendrogram_plot]
  • computes the R^2 of the linear relationship between the image modalities on a ROI by ROI basis [value_compare].
  • writes out 3D volumes for visualization. [idx_to_nifti].
  • preforms a grid search over various clustering paramaters for the luvain algorithm. Here we use it on a second-order cerebellar-cortico connectivity matrix, which should be one way of getting around analyzing non-square matricies for any type of data. [modularityestmate].
  • plots the outputs of this grid search [plot_cluster_diagnostics / plot_cluster_diagnostics_dual]
  • applies the selected partitioning [modularityapply].
  • computes network-specific correlation vectors given the network partition [compute_network_maturation_corrs].
  • computes a cross-network diagram to be imported into a program like pajek. used to easily visualize cross-network integration in the cerebellum but could be used to analyze any subcortical / cortical relationship.