
nonlinreg_AFNI is broken

josephdviviano opened this issue · 2 comments

I think it is 3dQwarp.

++ 3dQwarp: replacing source dataset with 3dAllineate result /projects/colin/epitome/IMOB-COLIN/H010_CAMH/IMOB/SESS01/reg_nlin_TAL_Allin.nii
** FATAL ERROR: Can't open replacement source dataset /projects/colin/epitome/IMOB-COLIN/H010_CAMH/IMOB/SESS01/reg_nlin_TAL_Allin.nii :-(
** Program compile date = Dec 10 2014
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Dec 10 2014) [64-bit]
** failed to open input '/projects/colin/epitome/IMOB-COLIN/H010_CAMH/IMOB/SESS01/reg_nlin_TAL' on non-AFNI write
Try including the view of the input dataset /projects/colin/epitome/IMOB-COLIN/H010_CAMH/IMOB/SESS01/reg_nlin_TAL+tlrc
or use its fullname. That might take care of the error.

I'm deleting this ... we have FNIRT and if we're going to bother with a better method we might as well go with ANTS.