
python data extraction tool for the ddsm project (digital database for screening mammography)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Pipeline to extract the data available from the DDSM project. Tested on Debian 9 (64 bit) with Python 3.6. Requires imagemagick, ncftp, jpeg, ddsmraw2pnm, and python packages in requirements.txt. Some of these utilities are available in utils/.

Documentation is thin, but comments in ddsm_convert.py should fill in the gaps.

DDSM_README is the official readme from the DDSM project.


Data is output as a zarr dataset with the following structure:

  L subj -- attributes = ['age', 'site', 'density', 'pathology']
      L scan -- attributes = ['rows', 'cols', 'assessment', 'subtlety', 'lesion_type', 'coverage']

Where scan is one of ['LEFT_MLO', 'RIGHT_MLO', 'LEFT_CC', 'RIGHT_CC']

  • assessment = 1:5
  • subtlety = 1:5
  • lesion_type = unstructured text
  • coverage = list of percentages detailling coverage of each segmentation over the total image size, one entry per boundary.

To access the a scan for a subject, use:

root['A_1011_1']['LEFT_MLO'][:, :, 0]

To access the grooss segmentation for this subject, use:

root['A_1011_1']['LEFT_MLO'][:, :, 1]

And finally, any nodules (if found) will be in indicies 2 or beyond:

root['A_1011_1']['LEFT_MLO'][:, :, 2:]

To grab a subject-level attribute, use:


And to grab a scan-level attribute, use:



Requires the ncftp package to allow for anon ftp logins, compile from source here.


  • The official software is here and is a compile nightmare from the year 2000.
  • Someone ported the decompression software jpeg here, which builds.
  • This approach was heavily inspired by previous work.


Contains details about each subfolder, including which scanner each set was collected on and the number of scans in each set.

bwc = benign_without_callback


Contains the distribution of ethicities collected per site.

MGH = Massachusetts General Hospital, largest proportion WFUSM = Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2nd largest proportion


The grey values in each image can be mapped to optical density (OD) values to normalize each pixel's grey level (GL) values to have a standard scale. The equation used for each normalization are stored in this .csv. The DESCRIPTION column denotes the naming convention that can be used to map an individual scan to it's scanner, and therefore to it's appropriate conversion formula.

The included program ddsmraw2pnm takes care of this automatically, these notes are just for posterity.