
Software that simulates the de-planing process

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Purpose of this project

The process of exiting a plane can be dramatically improved. This project exists to prove that fact.

I've called the process "Fill & Flush" to represent the way the limited resource, plane aisle space, can be more effectively used by "filling" the aisle, then "flushing" the aisle.

High Level Individual De-Planing Lifecycle:

  • plane connects to jetbridge, and passengers are allowed to stand
  • passenger gathers belongings
  • passenger stands idle for some period of time (sometimes 0 seconds in status quo, if they're in an aisle seat and are first to stand)
  • person in front of passenger leaves
  • passenger places some time buffer between themselves and that aisle neighbor that just left
  • passenger walks plane with belongings

Order of deplaning (current):

  • Deplaning order is row by row in quasi middle out - 1C -> 1B -> 1A -> 1D -> 1E -> 1F -> 2C...

Order of deplaning (future):

  • Deplaning order is column by column, middle out - 1C -> 2C -> ... -> 60C -> 1D -> ... -> 1F ...

(TODO) Addressing various objections:

  • what about the elderly and people with children?
    • they should exit in later flushes or in the final flush
    • how do you model the final "flush" if it's all these oddball cases?
      • not sure!
  • what about groups who wish to exit together?
    • make "trades" with individuals in outside rows, wait for later flushes
  • what about car-traffic style accordion effects in the aisle as passengers walk the aisle?
  • how to model the randomness of time:
    • it takes to gather belongings
    • any one passenger places as a buffer between themselves and the person leaving ahead of them
  • should there really a "gather belongings" penalty in Fill & Flush. i.e. - do you actually take longer to gather belongings with aisle neighbors relative to status quo? if there is, what's the discount in later flushes (currently 5% speedup for each wave - less baggage in overhead)
  • what about massive international flights with 2 exit rows?
  • what about first class?
    • you can still let them off first and apply this system in coach and get the improvement
  • Won't the person in 1F get mad watching people go by?
    • got to have education. this makes everyone better off. lives are at stake
  • why go strictly column by column? why not be MORE laissez-faire and say just manage waves? wave 1, wave 2, wave 3, etc.?
    • this could be an even further improvement and in a way can solve the 1F problem by letting 1F occupy space if it is there - I suspect a few more people can fit the aisle than there are rows so you may lose some value being strict. OTOH could lead to conflict

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npm start

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Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

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npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
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npm run eject

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Code Splitting

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Analyzing the Bundle Size

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Advanced Configuration

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navigate to root, then

npm run test

Verify test suite passes

npm run build

npm run deploy

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