
A C/C++ library for decoding QR code 2D barcodes

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

= libdecodeqr =

== Whta's this? ==
"libdecodeqr" is a C/C++ library for docoding QR code, which based on JIS X 0510 and ISO/IEC18004.

This library is able to decode miscellaneous images those are taken with a file, with a webcam, with a scanner, and so on.

== Features ==
 * Supports miscellaneous image formats and input devices.
 * Hi-Speed decoding.
 * Completely Free.

== Requirements ==
 * g++ / VC++6
 * [http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/ OpenCV] 0.9.7 or later
 * Gtk2 for UN*X (required by OpenCV) 

== Download ==
=== Binary Release ===
Sorry, Not available yet.

=== Latest Stable Source Code ===
 * version 0.9.3 http://http://trac.koka-in.org/libdecodeqr/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/libdecodeqr-0.9.3.tar.bz2

=== Latest Development Source Code ===
We use Subversion for source revision control and code sharing.

   svn co svn://svn.koka-in.org/libdecodeqr/trunk

== How to use ==
=== Build and Intstall ===
see BuildAndInstall for detail.

==== Windows ====
 1. open $(archive_dir)/src/libdecodeqr/libdecodeqr.dsw
 1. build the project (press [F7] key)
 1. start command prompt
 1. run VCVARS32.BAT
 1. nmake libdecodeqr.mak

The Libraly file and header files are NOT installed automaticaly.
After building, set places of decodeqr.h, qrtypes.h, qrerror.h and libdecodeqr.lib to your environments if you need.

==== UN*X ====
 1. $ cd $(archive_dir)/src/
 1. $ ./configure
 1. $ make
 1. $ sudo make install

=== API Reference ===
see ApiReference

=== Sample Codes ===
 * [source:trunk/src/sample/simple/simpletest.cpp#latest simple usage]
 * [source:trunk/src/sample/webcam/webcam.cpp#latest with webcam]

== How to Hack ==
see HackingGuide

== Contact Us ==
=== Web Page ===

=== Mailing List ===

To subscribe this list, please send the following phrase
subscribe Your-Last-Name Your-First-Name 
subscribe NISHI Takao
in the mail body (not subject) to the address <libdecodeqr-ctl@koka-in.org>.

== Copying ==
Copyright (c) 2007 NISHI Takao <zophos@koka-in.org>, 
JMA (Japan Medical Association) and 
!NaCl (Network Applied Communication Laboratory Ltd.) All rights reserved.[[BR]]
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of LGPL.