What is the problem you’re solving? An easy way to collect follower emails from GitHub to communicate with fans and production partners.
What is the solution? GitBuddy: A webapp that scrapes your followers and your repos stargazers, saves to a database, and presents you with the results.
What is the MVP scope? (core features you must get working) Oauth to login/connect with GitHub API call to gather user info and repo details. Display repo followers to user. Create CSV export for user.
What are the tough technical challenges involved with solving this problem? Use of OAuth APIs - different encoded data React w/ Async React Router
What are the stretch goals? Capacity to interact with other APIs, e.g. Soundcloud, Medium, etc.
What is the technology stack? React & React Router Node/Express Third Party APIs Authentication MongoDB for Users David & Greg: Front-end Kushal & Joseph: Back-end