
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an image


Clevernote is a web application inspired by Evernote built using the following technologies:

  • Javascript
  • Express
  • React
  • Redux
  • CSS
  • BCrypt
  • Heroku
  • Sequelize
  • PostgreSQL

Clevernote allows users to:

  • Create an account
  • Log in / Log out
  • Read, create, update, and delete notes
  • Read, create, update, and delete notebooks
  • Add/remove notes to/from notebooks


In the root directory, run npm install to install dependencies for both the front and backend.


  • Ensure PostgreSQL is installed and running
  • Create a database user with CREATEDB privledges.
  • Copy backend/.env.example to backend/.env and configure the database information with the user created in step 1.
  • Set up the database:
    • Run npm run sequelize db:create
    • Run npm run sequelize db:migrate
    • Run npm run sequelize db:seed:all
  • Start the development servers:
    • Run npm run dev:backend
    • Run npm run dev:frontend

Deployment on Heroku

  • Add environment JWT_EXPIRES_IN and JWT_SECRET environment variables
  • Deploy to heroku
  • Migrate & seed database
    • Run heroku run npm run sequelize db:migrate
    • Run heroku run npm run sequelize db:seed:all

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