
At what point do you need a distributed sort?

Primary LanguageJava

This project attempts to experimentally determine when using one node to do something is sufficient:

  1. sort
  2. datastore writes
  3. datastore reads

Using this data, I'm hoping to answer questions like

  1. Can we support 1,000 writes per second on a database (BTree)?
  2. Can we support 10,000 reads per second on a database (BTree)?
  3. What about datastores that use log structure merge?
  4. How much data until I cannot process on a single node?
Power Entries Disk Size Java In Memory (sec) Java IO (sec) BSD Sort (sec)
0 1 21B
1 2 41B
2 4 83B
3 8 164B
4 16 326B
5 32 655B
6 64 1.3K
7 128 2.5K
8 256 5.1K
9 512 10K
10 1024 20K
11 2048 41K
12 4096 82K
13 8192 163K
14 16384 326K
15 32768 652K
16 65536 1.3M
17 131072 2.5M
18 262144 5.1M
19 524288 10M
20 1048576 20M
21 2097152 41M
22 4194304 82M
23 8388608 163M
24 16777216 326M
25 33554432 652M
26 67108864 1.3G
27 134217728 2.5G

0 1 0 1 2 0 2 4 0 3 8 1 4 16 0 5 32 2 6 64 1 7 128 1 8 256 2 9 512 3 10 1024 6 11 2048 6 12 4096 16 13 8192 16 14 16384 29 15 32768 183 16 65536 105 17 131072 200 18 262144 385 19 524288 1207 20 1048576 1327 21 2097152 2809 22 4194304 4760 23 8388608 10617 24 16777216 28311 25 33554432 77501 26 67108864 152051 27 134217728 384082 28 268435456 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.base/java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Integer.java:1073) at InMemory.sortExperiment(InMemory.java:29) at InMemory.main(InMemory.java:16) Error Error 28 268435456 511929 29 536870912 1614502 30 1073741824

exists: /tmp/unsorted.1.txt 0 1 2^0=1 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.2.txt 1 2 2^1=2 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.4.txt 2 4 2^2=4 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.8.txt 3 8 2^3=8 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.16.txt 4 16 2^4=16 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.32.txt 5 32 2^5=32 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.64.txt 6 64 2^6=64 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.128.txt 7 128 2^7=128 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.256.txt 8 256 2^8=256 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.512.txt 9 512 2^9=512 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.1024.txt 10 1024 2^10=1024 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.2048.txt 11 2048 2^11=2048 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.4096.txt 12 4096 2^12=4096 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.8192.txt 13 8192 2^13=8192 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.16384.txt 14 16384 2^14=16384 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.32768.txt 15 32768 2^15=32768 0 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.65536.txt 16 65536 2^16=65536 1 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.131072.txt 17 131072 2^17=131072 1 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.262144.txt 18 262144 2^18=262144 2 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.524288.txt 19 524288 2^19=524288 5 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.1048576.txt 20 1048576 2^20=1048576 10 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.2097152.txt 21 2097152 2^21=2097152 22 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.4194304.txt 22 4194304 2^22=4194304 50 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.8388608.txt 23 8388608 2^23=8388608 100 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.16777216.txt 24 16777216 2^24=16777216 211 secs exists: /tmp/unsorted.33554432.txt 25 33554432 2^25=33554432 444 secs creating: /tmp/unsorted.67108864.txt created: /tmp/unsorted.67108864.txt 26 67108864 2^26=67108864 1060 secs creating: /tmp/unsorted.134217728.txt created: /tmp/unsorted.134217728.txt 27 134217728 exists: /tmp/unsorted.134217728.txt 27 134217728


  • DONE java using int index array (up to 4GB)
  • DONE tool to generate files of random integers
  • DONE bsd sort
  • FAILED java in memory sort somehow using 'long' arrays
    • my laptop doesn't have enough memory