
my chase credit card filtering process, making doing taxes easier since 2013

Primary LanguagePython

Chase Credit Card Processing

This software was built and used because doing taxes really fucking sucks, and it sucks even more when you bank with chase. They will only give you your CC statements in pdf form (you can get the last three months in csv format ...) and their customized search stuff sucks. This process will take your PDFs, convert them to text, and the give you the ability to filter them using a tagging (comma separated command line) system.

Any questions, @josephmisiti

Customer Center -> See Account Statements -> Credit Card

  • Download each statement you want to process by month in the following format

2012-01.pdf 2012-02.pdf 2012-03.pdf ...

put them in the same directory as these files in a directory called "pdfs"

  • Install pdftotext

brew install xpdf

  • run process.sh


  • Now you should have a directory full of text files as follows:

2012-01.txt 2012-02.txt 2012-03.txt ...

  • Now you my clean.py script to clean transactions:

You want to see all your amazon transactions:

josephmisiti$ ./clean.py amazon


OR - how about all the times you ate in mcdonald's in the last year:

josephmisiti$ ./clean.py mcdon

To Sort Highest to Lowest

./clean.py '' sort | awk -F"|" '{print $3" "$2" "$1}' | sort -k 1n