
Provides a set of extensions which facilitates the exchange of information from and to .NET P/Invoke methods (or UnmanagedCallersOnly using NativeAOT).

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Rxmxnx.PInvoke.Extensions is a library that provides a set of extensions and utilities that simplify the process of data exchange to and from .NET P/Invoke methods, eliminating the necessity for native pointers, memory fixes, and operations that require unsafe compilation. This library also includes native handling for UTF-8 strings in both managed and unmanaged memory.



The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IWrapper interface represents a wrapper for a value. It provides methods for creating instances of the wrapper.


  • Create<TValue>(in TValue): Creates a new instance of IWrapper<TValue> with the specified value.
  • CreateNullable<TValue>(in TValue?): Creates a new instance of IWrapper<TValue?> with the specified nullable value.
  • CreateObject<TObject>(TObject): Creates a new instance of IWrapper<TObject> with the specified object.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IWrapper<T> interface represents a generic wrapper for a value of type T.

  • Value: Gets the value stored in the IWrapper<T>.


  • Create(T?): Creates a new instance of IWrapper<T?> with the specified value.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IReferenceableWrapper interface represents a referenceable wrapper for a value. It provides methods for creating instances of the wrapper.


  • Create<TValue>(in TValue): Creates a new instance of IReferenceableWrapper<TValue> with the specified value.
  • CreateNullable<TValue>(in TValue?): Creates a new instance of IReferenceableWrapper<TValue?> with the specified nullable value.
  • CreateObject<TObject>(TObject): Creates a new instance of IReferenceableWrapper<TObject> with the specified object.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IReferenceableWrapper<T> interface represents a referenceable wrapper for a value of type T.

  • Reference: Gets a read-only reference to the value of type T.
  • Value: Gets the value stored in the IWrapper<T>.


  • Create(T?): Creates a new instance of IReferenceableWrapper<T?> with the specified value.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IMutableWrapper interface represents a mutable wrapper for a value. It provides methods for creating instances of the wrapper.


  • Create<TValue>(in TValue): Creates an instance of the IMutableWrapper<TValue> with the specified value.
  • CreateNullable<TValue>(in TValue?): Creates an instance of the IMutableWrapper<TValue?> with the specified nullable value.
  • CreateObject<TObject>(TObject): Creates an instance of the IMutableWrapper<TObject> with the specified object.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IMutableWrapper<T> interface represents a mutable wrapper for a value of type T.

  • Value: Gets or sets the value of type T.


  • Create(T?): Creates a new instance of IMutableWrapper<T?> with the specified value.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IMutableReference interface represents a mutable reference. It provides methods for creating instances of the wrapper.


  • Create<TValue>(in TValue): Creates an instance of the IMutableReference<TValue> with the specified value.
  • CreateNullable<TValue>(in TValue?): Creates an instance of the IMutableReference<TValue?> with the specified nullable value.
  • CreateObject<TObject>(TObject): Creates an instance of the IMutableReference<TObject> with the specified object.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.IMutableReference<T> interface represents a mutable reference to a value of type T.

  • Reference: Gets the reference to the value of type T.
  • Value: Gets or sets the value of type T.


  • Create(T?): Creates a new instance of IMutableReference<T?> with the specified value.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.ValueRegion<T> is a class representing a region of values.

  • IsMemorySlice: Gets a value indicating whether the value region represents a memory slice.
  • Item(Int32): Gets the value at the specified index. This property is an indexer.
  • ToArray(): Converts the value region to an array of values.
  • Slice(Int32, Int32): Creates a slice of the value region with the specified range.
  • Slice(Int32): Creates a slice of the value region starting from the specified index.


  • Create(ReadOnlySpanFunc<T>): Creates a new ValueRegion<T> instance by invoking the specified ReadOnlySpanFunc<T> delegate.
  • Create(T[]): Creates a new ValueRegion<T> instance from the specified array.
  • Create(IntPtr, Int32): Creates a new ValueRegion<T> instance from the memory pointed to by the specified pointer with the specified length.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.FuncPtr<TDelegate> is a value type representing a pointer to a function of type TDelegate. It is used for interop scenarios where a function pointer is required.

  • IsZero: Indicates whether the current pointer is zero (null).
  • Pointer: Gets the internal pointer as an IntPtr.
  • Invoke: Gets a delegate of type TDelegate for the function pointer.


  • ==: Determines whether two FuncPtr<TDelegate> instances are equal.
  • !=: Determines whether two FuncPtr<TDelegate> instances are not equal.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.ReadOnlyValPtr<T> is a value type representing a pointer to a read-only value of type T. It is used for interop scenarios where a read-only T pointer is required.

  • IsZero: Indicates whether the current pointer is zero (null).
  • Pointer: Gets the internal pointer as an IntPtr.
  • Reference: Gets a read-only reference to the pointed T value.
  • GetUnsafeFixedReference(IDisposable?): Creates an unsafe IReadOnlyFixedReference<T> instance from the current pointer. It is designed to be used when you have a guarantee that the memory being referenced is already fixed and immovable. This method does not pin the memory itself; it only provides a way to work with memory that is assumed to be already pinned.
  • GetUnsafeFixedContext(Int32, IDisposable?): Creates an unsafe IReadOnlyFixedContext<T> instance with the specified number of items in the memory block from the current pointer. It is designed to be used when you have a guarantee that the memory being referenced is already fixed and immovable. This method does not pin the memory itself; it only provides a way to work with memory that is assumed to be already pinned.


  • ==: Determines whether two ReadOnlyValPtr<T> objects are equal.
  • !=: Determines whether two ReadOnlyValPtr<T> objects are not equal.
  • <: Determines whether one ReadOnlyValPtr<T> object is less than another.
  • >: Determines whether one ReadOnlyValPtr<T> object is greater than another.
  • <=: Determines whether one ReadOnlyValPtr<T> object is less than or equal to another.
  • >=: Determines whether one ReadOnlyValPtr<T> object is greater than or equal to another.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.ValPtr<T> is a value type representing a pointer to a value of type T. It is used for interop scenarios where a T pointer is required.

  • IsZero: Indicates whether the current pointer is zero (null).
  • Pointer: Gets the internal pointer as an IntPtr.
  • Reference: Gets a reference to the pointed T value.
  • GetUnsafeFixedReference(IDisposable?): Creates an unsafe IFixedReference<T> instance from the current pointer. It is designed to be used when you have a guarantee that the memory being referenced is already fixed and immovable. This method does not pin the memory itself; it only provides a way to work with memory that is assumed to be already pinned.
  • GetUnsafeFixedContext(Int32, IDisposable?): Creates an unsafe IFixedContext<T> instance with the specified number of items in the memory block from the current pointer. It is designed to be used when you have a guarantee that the memory being referenced is already fixed and immovable. This method does not pin the memory itself; it only provides a way to work with memory that is assumed to be already pinned.


  • ==: Determines whether two ValPtr<T> objects are equal.
  • !=: Determines whether two ValPtr<T> objects are not equal.
  • <: Determines whether one ValPtr<T> object is less than another.
  • >: Determines whether one ValPtr<T> object is greater than another.
  • <=: Determines whether one ValPtr<T> object is less than or equal to another.
  • >=: Determines whether one ValPtr<T> object is greater than or equal to another.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.CString class represents a UTF-8 string.

  • Unit(Int32): Gets the UTF-8 unit at the specified index. This property is an indexer.
  • IsFunction: Gets a value indicating whether the CString represents a function.
  • IsNullTerminated: Gets a value indicating whether the CString is null-terminated.
  • IsReference: Gets a value indicating whether the CString is a reference.
  • IsSegmented: Gets a value indicating whether the CString is segmented.
  • Length: Gets the length of the CString.
  • Clone(): Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
  • CompareTo(string): Compares the current instance with the specified string and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
  • CompareTo(CString): Compares the current instance with the specified CString object and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
  • CompareTo(Object): Compares the current instance with the specified object and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
  • Slice(Int32, Int32): Returns a new CString that represents a slice of the current string starting from the specified index with the specified length.
  • Slice(Int32): Returns a new CString that represents a slice of the current string starting from the specified index.
  • ToArray(): Converts the CString to an array of Byte values.
  • ToHexString(): Converts the CString to a hexadecimal string.
  • ToString(): Returns a string that represents the current instance.
  • WithSafeFixed<TResult>(ReadOnlyFixedFunc<TResult>): Executes the specified function with a fixed list of Byte values and returns the result.
  • WithSafeFixed(ReadOnlyFixedAction): Executes the specified action with a fixed list of Byte values.
  • WithSafeFixed<TArg, TResult>(TArg, ReadOnlyFixedFunc<TArg, TResult>): Executes the specified function with a fixed list of Byte values and the specified argument, and returns the result.
  • WithSafeFixed<TArg>(TArg, ReadOnlyFixedAction<TArg>): Executes the specified action with a fixed list of Byte values and the specified argument.


  • CString(Byte, Int32): Initializes a new instance of the CString class with a single character repeated for the specified length.
  • CString(Byte, Byte, Int32): Initializes a new instance of the CString class with two characters repeated in alternating positions for the specified length.
  • CString(Byte, Byte, Byte, Int32): Initializes a new instance of the CString class with three characters repeated in a cyclic pattern for the specified length.
  • CString(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Int32): Initializes a new instance of the CString class with four characters repeated in a cyclic pattern for the specified length.
  • CString(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>): Initializes a new instance of the CString class with the contents of a ReadOnlySpan<Byte>.
  • CString(ReadOnlySpanFunc<Byte>): Initializes a new instance of the CString class with the specified function delegate to get the content. This constructor is specialized for UTF-8 literals support.


  • ==: Determines whether two CString objects are equal.
  • !=: Determines whether two CString objects are not equal.
  • <: Determines whether one CString object is less than another.
  • >: Determines whether one CString object is greater than another.
  • <=: Determines whether one CString object is less than or equal to another.
  • >=: Determines whether one CString object is greater than or equal to another.
  • explicit operator CString(String): Converts a string to a CString object.
  • implicit operator CString(Byte[]): Converts a Byte array to a CString object.
  • implicit operator ReadOnlySpan<Byte>(CString): Converts a CString object to a ReadOnlySpan<Byte>.


  • Empty: Represents an empty CString object.

  • Zero: Represents a CString object pointing to null.

  • Create(ReadOnlySpanFunc<Byte>): Creates a new instance of the CString class by invoking the specified function to generate the content.

  • Create(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>): Creates a new instance of the CString class with the contents of a ReadOnlySpan<Byte>.

  • Compare(CString, CString): Compares two CString objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

  • Compare(CString, CString, Boolean): Compares two CString objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order, optionally ignoring case.

  • Compare(CString, CString, Boolean, CultureInfo): Compares two CString objects using a specified CultureInfo and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order, optionally ignoring case.

  • Compare(CString, String, StringComparison): Compares a CString object with a string using a specified StringComparison and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

  • Compare(CString, String, Boolean, CultureInfo): Compares a CString object with a string using a specified CultureInfo and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order, optionally ignoring case.

  • Compare(CString, String, Boolean): Compares a CString object with a string and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order, optionally ignoring case.

  • Compare(CString, String): Compares a CString object with a string and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

  • Compare(CString, CString, StringComparison): Compares two CString objects using a specified StringComparison and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

  • Concat(String[]): Concatenates an array of strings into a single CString object.

  • Concat(Byte[][]): Concatenates an array of byte arrays into a single CString object.

  • Join(Char, String[], Int32, Int32): Concatenates an array of strings, using the specified separator character, starting from the specified index and including the specified number of elements, into a single CString object.

  • Join(Byte, CString[]): Concatenates an array of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, into a single CString object.

  • Join(Byte, IEnumerable<CString>): Concatenates a sequence of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, into a single CString object.

  • Join(Byte, CString[], Int32, Int32): Concatenates a specified number of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object.

  • Join(Char, String[]): Concatenates an array of strings, using the specified separator character, into a single CString object.

  • Join(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IEnumerable<CString>): Concatenates a sequence of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, into a single CString object.

  • Join(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, CString[], Int32, Int32): Concatenates a specified number of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object.

  • Join(CString, CString[]): Concatenates an array of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, into a single CString object.

  • Join(CString, IEnumerable<CString>): Concatenates a sequence of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, into a single CString object.

  • Join(CString, CString[], Int32, Int32): Concatenates a specified number of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object.

  • Join(String, String[]): Concatenates an array of strings, using the specified separator string, into a single CString object.

  • Join(String, IEnumerable<String>): Concatenates a sequence of strings, using the specified separator string, into a single CString object.

  • ConcatAsync(CString[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of CString objects into a single CString object.

  • ConcatAsync(CancellationToken, CString[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of CString objects into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • ConcatAsync(Byte[][]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of byte arrays into a single CString object.

  • ConcatAsync(CancellationToken, Byte[][]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of byte arrays into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • ConcatAsync(String[]): Concatenates multiple strings asynchronously and returns a Task<CString> representing the result.

  • ConcatAsync(CancellationToken, String[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of strings into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(CString, CancellationToken, CString[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(CString, IEnumerable<CString>, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a sequence of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(CString, CString[], Int32, Int32, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a specified number of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(Byte, CString[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, into a single CString object.

  • JoinAsync(Byte, CancellationToken, CString[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(Byte, IEnumerable<CString>, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a sequence of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(Byte, CString[], Int32, Int32, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a specified number of CString objects, using the specified byte separator, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(String, String[], Int32, Int32, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a specified number of strings, using the specified separator string, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(String, IEnumerable<String>, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a sequence of strings, using the specified separator string, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(String, CancellationToken, String[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of strings, using the specified separator string, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(Char, String[], Int32, Int32, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a specified number of strings, using the specified separator character, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(Char, IEnumerable<String>, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a sequence of strings, using the specified separator character, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(Char, CancellationToken, String[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of strings, using the specified separator character, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(CString, String[], Int32, Int32, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a specified number of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, starting from the specified index, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(CString, IEnumerable<CString>, CancellationToken): Asynchronously concatenates a sequence of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.

  • JoinAsync(CString, CancellationToken, CString[]): Asynchronously concatenates an array of CString objects, using the specified CString separator, into a single CString object, while observing a cancellation token.


The Rxmxnx.PInvoke.CStringSequence class represents a sequence of CString objects.

  • Count: Gets the number of elements in the CStringSequence.
  • Item(Int32): Gets the CString at the specified index in the CStringSequence. This property is an indexer.
  • Clone(): Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
  • Equals(CStringSequence): Determines whether the specified CStringSequence is equal to the current instance.
  • Equals(Object): Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current instance.
  • Slice(Int32): Returns a new CStringSequence that represents a slice of the current sequence starting from the specified index.
  • Slice(Int32, Int32): Returns a new CStringSequence that represents a slice of the current sequence starting from the specified index with the specified length.
  • ToCString(): Converts the CStringSequence to a single CString object.
  • GetFixedPointer(): This method creates a disposable, read-only fixed pointer instance by pinning current instance. It ensures that the memory block referenced by this sequence is fixed (immovable) in memory, allowing for safe direct access.
  • WithSafeFixed<TState, TResult>(TState, ReadOnlyFixedListFunc<TState, TResult>): Executes the specified function with a fixed list of CString objects and returns the result.
  • WithSafeFixed(ReadOnlyFixedListAction): Executes the specified action with a fixed list of CString objects.
  • WithSafeFixed<TState>(TState, ReadOnlyFixedListAction<TState>): Executes the specified action with a fixed list of CString objects.
  • WithSafeFixed<TResult>(ReadOnlyFixedListFunc<TResult>): Executes the specified function with a fixed list of CString objects and returns the result.
  • WithSafeTransform(CStringSequenceAction): Executes the specified action with the CStringSequence object.
  • WithSafeTransform<TState>(TState, CStringSequenceAction<TState>): Executes the specified action with the CStringSequence object and additional state.
  • WithSafeTransform<TResult>(CStringSequenceFunc<TResult>): Executes the specified function with the CStringSequence object and returns the result.
  • WithSafeTransform<TState, TResult>(TState, CStringSequenceFunc<TState, TResult>): Executes the specified function with the CStringSequence object and additional state.


  • CStringSequence(CString[]): Initializes a new instance of the CStringSequence class with an array of CString objects.
  • CStringSequence(IEnumerable<String>): Initializes a new instance of the CStringSequence class with an enumerable collection of strings.
  • CStringSequence(IEnumerable<CString>): Initializes a new instance of the CStringSequence class with an enumerable collection of CString objects.
  • CStringSequence(String[]): Initializes a new instance of the CStringSequence class with an array of strings.
  • CStringSequence(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>...): Initializes a new instance of the CStringSequence class with UTF-8 read-only spans.


  • Create<TState>(TState, CStringSequenceCreationAction<TState>, Nullable<Int32>[]?): Creates an instance of CStringSequence using the specified creation action and optional array of nullable integers.
  • Create(ReadOnlySpan<Char>): Creates an instance of CStringSequence using the specified buffer of a UTF-8 sequence.
  • Parse(String?): Creates an instance of CStringSequence using the specified buffer of a UTF-8 sequence.



Rxmxnx.PInvoke.BinaryExtensions is an extension methods class that provides a set of useful methods when working with bytes and byte arrays in a PInvoke context.

  • AsHexString(Byte[]): Returns a hexadecimal string representation of a byte array.
  • AsHexString(Byte): Returns a hexadecimal string representation of a single byte.
  • AsValue<T>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>): Transforms the byte span into a value of the provided value type.
  • ToValue<T>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>): Creates a new value of the provided type from a byte span.
  • WithSafeFixed(Span<Byte>, FixedAction): Performs a fixed action on a span of bytes.
  • WithSafeFixed(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, ReadOnlyFixedAction): Performs a fixed action on a readonly span of bytes.
  • WithSafeFixed<TArg>(Span<Byte>, TArg, FixedAction<TArg>): Performs a fixed action on a span of bytes with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<TArg>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedAction<TArg>): Performs a fixed action on a readonly span of bytes with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<TResult>(Span<Byte>, FixedFunc<TResult>): Performs a fixed function on a span of bytes and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<TResult>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, ReadOnlyFixedFunc<TResult>): Performs a fixed function on a readonly span of bytes and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<TArg, TResult>(Span<Byte>, TArg, FixedFunc<TArg, TResult>): Performs a fixed function on a span of bytes with an additional argument and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<TArg, TResult>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedFunc<TArg, TResult>): Performs a fixed function on a readonly span of bytes with an additional argument and returns a value.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.DelegateExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with delegates.

  • GetUnsafeFuncPtr<TDelegate>(TDelegate): Returns the unmanaged FuncPtr representation of the specified delegate.
  • GetUnsafeIntPtr<TDelegate>(TDelegate): Returns the unmanaged IntPtr representation of the specified delegate.
  • GetUnsafeUIntPtr<TDelegate>(TDelegate): Returns the unmanaged UIntPtr representation of the specified delegate.
  • WithSafeFixed<TDelegate, TArg>(TDelegate, TArg, FixedMethodAction<TDelegate, TArg>): Performs a fixed method action on the specified delegate and an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<TDelegate, TResult>(TDelegate, FixedMethodFunc<TDelegate, TResult>): Performs a fixed method function on the specified delegate and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<TDelegate, TArg, TResult>(TDelegate, TArg, FixedMethodFunc<TDelegate, TArg, TResult>): Performs a fixed method function on the specified delegate with an additional argument and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<TDelegate>(TDelegate, FixedMethodAction<TDelegate>): Performs a fixed method action on the specified delegate.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.MemoryBlockExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with memory blocks.

  • AsBytes<TSource>(Span<TSource>): Returns a span of bytes representing the memory block.
  • AsBytes<TSource>(ReadOnlySpan<TSource>): Returns a readonly span of bytes representing the memory block.
  • AsValues<TSource, TDestination>(ReadOnlySpan<TSource>): Converts the memory block to a readonly span of values of the specified destination type.
  • AsValues<TSource, TDestination>(Span<TSource>, Span<byte>&): Converts the memory block to a span of values of the specified destination type, also returning the underlying byte span.
  • AsValues<TSource, TDestination>(Span<TSource>, ReadOnlySpan<byte>&): Converts the memory block to a readonly span of values of the specified destination type, also returning the underlying byte span.
  • AsValues<TSource, TDestination>(ReadOnlySpan<TSource>, ReadOnlySpan<byte>&): Converts the memory block to a readonly span of values of the specified destination type, also returning the underlying byte span.
  • GetUnsafeValPtr<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>): Returns the unmanaged ReadOnlyValPtr representation of the specified memory block.
  • GetUnsafeValPtr<T>(Span<T>): Returns the unmanaged ValPtr representation of the specified memory block.
  • GetUnsafeIntPtr<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>): Returns the unmanaged IntPtr representation of the specified memory block.
  • GetUnsafeIntPtr<T>(Span<T>): Returns the unmanaged IntPtr representation of the specified memory block.
  • GetUnsafeUIntPtr<T>(Span<T>): Returns the unmanaged UIntPtr representation of the specified memory block.
  • GetUnsafeUIntPtr<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>): Returns the unmanaged UIntPtr representation of the specified memory block.
  • GetFixedContext<T>(ReadOnlyMemory<T>): This method creates a disposable, read-only fixed context instance by pinning the provided ReadOnlyMemory<T> instance. It ensures that the memory block referenced by ReadOnlyMemory<T> is fixed (immovable) in memory, allowing for safe direct access.
  • GetFixedContext<T>(Memory<T>): This method creates a disposable, fixed context instance by pinning the provided Memory<T> instance. It ensures that the memory block referenced by Memory<T> is fixed (immovable) in memory, allowing for safe direct access.
  • GetFixedMemory<T>(Memory<T>): This method creates a disposable, fixed memory instance by pinning the provided Memory<T> instance. It ensures that the memory block referenced by Memory<T> is fixed (immovable) in memory, allowing for safe direct access.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(Span<T>, FixedContextAction<T>): Performs a fixed context action on the specified memory block.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(Span<T>, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(Span<T>, TArg, FixedContextAction<T, TArg>): Performs a fixed context action on the specified memory block with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(Span<T>, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T, TArg>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T, TArg>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(Span<T>, FixedContextFunc<T, TResult>): Performs a fixed context function on the specified memory block and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(Span<T>, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(Span<T>, TArg, FixedContextFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Performs a fixed context function on the specified memory block with an additional argument and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(Span<T>, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block with an additional argument and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block with an additional argument and returns a value.
  • AsSpan<T>(T[,..]): Creates a new span over a target array.
  • AsMemory<T>(T[,..]): Creates a new memory region over the target array.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.PointerExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with pointers.

  • GetUnsafeArray<T>(IntPtr, Int32): Returns an array of type T from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeArray<T>(UIntPtr, Int32): Returns an array of type T from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeDelegate<T>(IntPtr): Returns a delegate of type T from the specified function pointer.
  • GetUnsafeDelegate<T>(UIntPtr): Returns a delegate of type T from the specified function pointer.
  • GetUnsafeReadOnlyReference<T>(UInt32): Returns a readonly reference of type T from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeReadOnlyReference<T>(Int32): Returns a readonly reference of type T from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeReadOnlySpan<T>(UIntPtr, Int32): Returns a readonly span of type T from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeReadOnlySpan<T>(IntPtr, Int32): Returns a readonly span of type T from the specified memory pointer and
  • GetUnsafeReadOnlySpan<T>(MemoryHandle, Int32): Returns a readonly span of type T from the specified memory handle and length.
  • GetUnsafeReference<T>(UInt32): Returns a reference of type T from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeReference<T>(Int32): Returns a reference of type T from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeSpan<T>(UIntPtr, Int32): Returns a span of type T from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeSpan<T>(IntPtr, Int32): Returns a span of type T from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeSpan<T>(MemoryHandle, Int32): Returns a span of type T from the specified memory handle and length.
  • GetUnsafeString(Int32, Int32): Returns a string from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeString(UInt32): Returns a string from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeString(Int32): Returns a string from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeString(UInt32, Int32): Returns a string from the specified memory pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeValue<T>(IntPtr): Returns a nullable value of type T from the specified memory pointer.
  • GetUnsafeValue<T>(UIntPtr): Returns a nullable value of type T from the specified memory pointer.
  • IsZero(UInt32): Checks if the specified memory pointer is zero.
  • IsZero(Int32): Checks if the specified memory pointer is zero.
  • ToIntPtr(UInt32): Converts the specified unsigned integer memory pointer to a signed integer memory pointer.
  • ToUIntPtr(Int32): Converts the specified signed integer memory pointer to an unsigned integer memory pointer.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.PointerCStringExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with UTF-8 encoded strings represented by pointers.

  • GetUnsafeCString(UInt32, Int32): Retrieves a UTF-8 encoded string from the specified pointer and length.
  • GetUnsafeCString(Int32, Int32): Retrieves a UTF-8 encoded string from the specified pointer and length.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.ReferenceExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with references.

  • AsBytes<TSource>(ref TSource): Returns a span of bytes from the specified reference.
  • GetUnsafeValPtr<T>(ref T): Returns the unsafe ValPtr representation of the specified reference.
  • GetUnsafeIntPtr<T>(ref T): Returns the unsafe IntPtr representation of the specified reference.
  • GetUnsafeUIntPtr<T>(ref T): Returns the unsafe UIntPtr representation of the specified reference.
  • Transform<TSource, TDestination>(ref TSource): Transforms the specified reference to a reference of type TDestination.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(ref T, FixedReferenceAction<T>): Executes a fixed reference action on the specified reference.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(ref T, ReadOnlyFixedReferenceAction<T>): Executes a readonly fixed reference action on the specified reference.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(ref T, TArg, FixedReferenceAction<T, TArg>): Executes a fixed reference action with an additional argument on the specified reference.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(ref T, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedReferenceAction<T, TArg>): Executes a readonly fixed reference action with an additional argument on the specified reference.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(ref T, FixedReferenceFunc<T, TResult>): Executes a fixed reference function on the specified reference and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(ref T, ReadOnlyFixedReferenceFunc<T, TResult>): Executes a readonly fixed reference function on the specified reference and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(ref T, TArg, FixedReferenceFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Executes a fixed reference function with an additional argument on the specified reference and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(ref T, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedReferenceFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Executes a readonly fixed reference function with an additional argument on the specified reference and returns a value.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.UnmanagedValueExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with unmanaged values.

  • ToBytes<TSource>(TSource[]): Converts an array of values to a byte array representation.
  • ToBytes<T>(T): Converts a single value to a byte array representation.
  • ToValues<TSource, TDestination>(TSource[], Byte[]): Converts an array of source values to an array of destination values using a byte array as an intermediary.
  • ToValues<TSource, TDestination>(TSource[]): Converts an array of source values to an array of destination values.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(T[], FixedContextAction<T>): Performs a fixed context action on the specified memory block.
  • WithSafeFixed<T>(T[], ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(T[], TArg, FixedContextAction<T, TArg>): Performs a fixed context action on the specified memory block with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(T[], TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T, TArg>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(T[], FixedContextFunc<T, TResult>): Performs a fixed context function on the specified memory block and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(T[], ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(T[], TArg, FixedContextFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Performs a fixed context function on the specified memory block with an additional argument and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(T[], TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block with an additional argument and returns a value.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.StreamCStringExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with UTF-8 encoded strings in streams.

  • Write(Stream, CString, Int32, Int32): Writes a portion of the UTF-8 encoded string to the specified stream.
  • Write(Stream, CString, Boolean): Writes the UTF-8 encoded string to the specified stream, optionally including the null terminator.
  • WriteAsync(Stream, CString, Boolean, CancellationToken): Asynchronously writes the UTF-8 encoded string to the specified stream, optionally including the null terminator, and allows cancellation.
  • WriteAsync(Stream, CString, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken): Asynchronously writes a portion of the UTF-8 encoded string to the specified stream and allows cancellation.
  • WriteAsync(Stream, CString, CancellationToken): Asynchronously writes the UTF-8 encoded string to the specified stream and allows cancellation.


Rxmxnx.PInvoke.MemoryBlockExtensions is an extension methods class that provides additional functionality for working with strings.

  • WithSafeFixed<T>(String, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg>(String, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextAction<T, TArg>): Performs a readonly fixed context action on the specified memory block with an additional argument.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TResult>(String, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block and returns a value.
  • WithSafeFixed<T, TArg, TResult>(String, TArg, ReadOnlyFixedContextFunc<T, TArg, TResult>): Performs a readonly fixed context function on the specified memory block with an additional argument and returns a value.



Rxmxnx.PInvoke.NativeUtilities is a utility class that provides various methods for working with native code.

  • PointerSize: Size in bytes of a memory pointer.

  • AsBytes<T>(in T): Retrieves the bytes representing the specified value.

  • AsBinarySpan<T>(ref T): Converts the specified reference to a span of bytes.

  • CopyBytes<T>(in T, Span<Byte>, Int32): Copies the bytes from the specified span to the specified value.

  • CreateArray<T, TState>(Int32, TState, SpanAction<T, TState>): Creates an array of the specified type and size, applying the specified action for each element.

  • GetNativeMethod<TDelegate>(IntPtr, String): Retrieves a native method as a delegate of the specified type.

  • GetUnsafeValPtr<T>(in T): Retrieves the read-only value pointer from the specified reference.

  • GetUnsafeIntPtr<T>(in T): Retrieves the pointer value from the specified reference.

  • GetUnsafeUIntPtr<T>(in T): Retrieves the unsigned pointer value from the specified reference.

  • GetUnsafeFuncPtr<TDelegate>(TDelegate): Returns the unmanaged FuncPtr representation of the specified delegate.

  • LoadNativeLib(String, DllImportSearchPath?): Loads a native library and returns the handle.

  • LoadNativeLib(String, ref EventHandler?, DllImportSearchPath?): Loads a native library and returns the handle, raising an event upon load or failure.

  • SizeOf<T>(): Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the specified value type.

  • ToBytes<T>(in T): Retrieves the bytes representing the specified value.

  • Transform<TSource, TDestination>(in TSource): Converts the specified value from the source type to the destination type.

  • TransformReference<TSource, TDestination>(ref TSource): Converts the specified reference from the source type to the destination type.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, FixedListAction): Executes the specified action with the specified fixed spans.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7, TArg>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, FixedListAction): Executes the specified action with the specified fixed spans and an additional argument.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7>(ReadOnlySpan<T0>...ReadOnlySpan<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListAction): Executes the specified action with the specified fixed spans.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7, TArg>(ReadOnlySpan<T0>...ReadOnlySpan<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListAction): Executes the specified action with the specified fixed spans and an additional argument.

  • WithSafeReadOnlyFixed<T0..T7>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListAction): Executes the specified action with the specified fixed spans.

  • WithSafeReadOnlyFixed<T0..T7, TArg>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListAction): Executes the specified action with the specified fixed spans and an additional argument.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, FixedListFunc): Executes the specified function with the specified fixed spans.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7, TArg>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, FixedListFunc): Executes the specified function with the specified fixed spans and an additional argument.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7>(ReadOnlySpan<T0>...ReadOnlySpan<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListFunc): Executes the specified function with the specified fixed spans.

  • WithSafeFixed<T0..T7, TArg>(ReadOnlySpan<T0>...ReadOnlySpan<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListFunc): Executes the specified function with the specified fixed spans and an additional argument.

  • WithSafeReadOnlyFixed<T0..T7>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListFunc): Executes the specified function with the specified fixed spans.

  • WithSafeReadOnlyFixed<T0..T7, TArg>(Span<T0>...Span<T7>, ReadOnlyFixedListFunc): Executes the specified function with the specified fixed spans and an additional argument.