e-Paper Forecaster

This project is intended to display the current weather and 3 day forecast.

Items used in this project:

  • Raspberry Pi 4b 8GB
  • Waveshare PoE HAT
  • Waveshare 7.5 inch E-Ink Display HAT, 800x480 Pixel Black, White Two-Color E-Paper Screen
  • Waveshare EPD

For this project I choose to use https://www.weatherapi.com


Openweather updated their API calls, forecast.py is now obsolete as of June 2024

Use forecast-3.0.py instead ! ! !

  1. Create an account at https://www.weatherapi.com
  2. Copy your API Key and insert it into forecast-3.0.py.
  3. Set your Location, part of the new API, you must use the Longitude and Latitude.
  4. Set your interval for refresh, currently set to every 4 hours, change it as you see fit. this setting is the time.sleep(3600)
  5. The days are set to 4, this gives the current day + 3 days of forecast.
  6. Run python forecast-3.0.py or to put in the background nohup python forecast-3.0.py &.

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