
Minimum Viable Product

Travelscape is a web application inspired by Instagram built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux. In two weeks, this app will meet all of the following criteria with smooth, bug-free navigation, adequate seed data and sufficient CSS styling:

  • Hosting on Heroku
  • New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
  • Upload/Delete Photos
  • User Profiles
  • Ability to Like and Comment Photo Posts
  • Able to follow other users
  • Photo Feed


  • Infinity Scroll on Photofeed and User Profiles
  • Intelligent Search by hash tags or username
  • Direct Messaging - private one-to-one conversation or group chat

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: Backend setup and Front End User Authentication (2 days)

Objective: Functioning rails project with front-end Authentication hosted on Heroku.

Phase 2: Production README (1 days)

Objective: Highly detailed overview of how to use the app with wireframe support.

Phase 4: Posts Model, APIs, and components (2 days)

Objective: Posts can be created, read, edited and destroyed through the API.

Phase 5: Interactive Like Counter (1 days)

Objective: Images can be liked by users or users can remove their likes.

Phase 6: Comments can be added to Images (1 day)

Objective: Users can post and remove their own comments on any image post. Also, the main post has the ability to remove any comment.

Phase 7: Following & Photo Feed (1 day)

Objective: Users can follow / unfollow other users. Also, a photo feed will be implemented, so users can view the image posts of who they follow.

Bonus Features (TBD)

  • Infinity scroll for Photo feed
  • Basic Search by usernames
  • Advanced Search by hash tags / usernames
  • Discover based on top results for the overall user hash tags used.
  • Direct private message