
Fast, memory-efficient, minimal-serialization, binary data vectors for Scala and other languages

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



A thin layer of dough for baking fast, memory-efficient, minimal-deserialization, binary data vectors into your app.

Think of it as the good parts of Parquet without the HDFS and file format cruft -- just the serdes and fast columnar storage.

For Scala, you get Seq[A] or Traversable[A] APIs directly on top of binary vectors, with minimal/lazy deserialization.

The Scala implementation IntColumns have been clocked at 2 billion integer reads per second per thread using JMH on my laptop.


  • A wire format for efficient data vectors for reading with zero or minimal/lazy deserialization
    • Very compact and fast string vectors using cached dictionary encoding
    • Numeric vectors stored using smaller number of bits if possible
  • Random or linear access, no need to deserialize everything for random access
  • Support for missing / Not Available values, even for primitive vectors
  • Trade off between read speed and compactness -- Dictionary encoding, delta encoding, other techniques
  • Designed for long term persistence - based on Google FlatBuffers which has schema evolution
  • Potentially cross-platform - once FlatBuffers and codecs are written

Perfect for efficiently representing your data for storing in files, mmap, NoSQL or key-value stores, etc. etc.

Current Status

Just started. Consider the wire format not stable. First priority is to stabilize wire format, then stabilize Scala APIs.

I considered Cap'n Proto, but that has some issues in the Java client that needs to be worked out first.


Get it here:

resolvers += "Velvia Bintray" at "https://dl.bintray.com/velvia/maven"

libraryDependencies += "org.velvia.filo" % "filo-scala" % "0.1.1"

Using a ColumnBuilder to progressively build a column:

scala> import org.velvia.filo._
import org.velvia.filo._

scala> val cb = new IntColumnBuilder
cb: org.velvia.filo.IntColumnBuilder = org.velvia.filo.IntColumnBuilder@48cbb760

scala> cb.addNA

scala> cb.addData(101)

scala> cb.addData(102)

scala> cb.addData(103)

scala> cb.addNA

Encoding it to a ByteBuffer:

scala> BuilderEncoder.builderToBuffer(cb)
res6: java.nio.ByteBuffer = java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=65408 lim=65536 cap=65536]

Parsing and iterating through the ByteBuffer as a collection:

scala> ColumnParser.parse[Int](res6).foreach(println)

All ColumnWrappers implement scala.collection.Traversable for transforming and iterating over the non-missing elements of a Filo binary vector. There are also methods for accessing and iterating over all elements.

Converting rows to Filo columnar chunks

Please see RowToColumnBuilder and the RowToColumnBuilderTest for an example. There is a convenience function to convert a whole bunch of rows at once. Also see RowExtractorTest for an example of converting columns back to rows.

Support for Seq[A] and Seq[Option[A]]

You can also encode a Seq[A] to a buffer easily:

scala> import org.velvia.filo._
import org.velvia.filo._

scala> val orig = Seq(1, 2, -5, 101)
orig: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, -5, 101)

scala> val buf = BuilderEncoder.seqToBuffer(orig)
buf: java.nio.ByteBuffer = java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=65432 lim=65536 cap=65536]

scala> val binarySeq = ColumnParser.parse[Int](buf)
binarySeq: org.velvia.filo.ColumnWrapper[Int] = SimpleColumnWrapper(1, 2, -5, 101)

scala> binarySeq.sum == orig.sum
res2: Boolean = true

Note that even though a ColumnWrapper implements Traversable, it only traverses over defined elements that are not NA. To work with collections of potentially missing elements, start with a Seq[Option[A]], then use BuilderEncoder.seqOptionToBuffer. You can extract out an Iterator[Option[A]] with the optionIterator method.

Performance Benchmarking

To just get overall run times:

sbt filoScalaJmh/run

To also get profiling of top methods:

sbt filoScalaJmh/run -prof stack -jvmArgsAppend -Djmh.stack.lines=3

See this gist for how I improved the ColumnWrapper.apply() method performance by 50x.

Future directions

Cross-platform support - Go, C/C++, etc.

Additional Encodings

Still random:

  • A much more compact encoding for sparse values
  • Delta encoding - but to allow for random, set central value to average or first value
  • Combo delta + pack into float for double vector compression
  • Use JavaEWAH ImmutableBitSet for efficient compressed bit vectors / NA masks
  • Encode a set or a hash, perhaps using Murmur3 hash for keys with an open hash design
  • Encode other data structures in Open Data Structures... a BTree would be fun

No longer zero serialization:

  • Use the super fast byte packing algorithm from Cap'n Proto for much smaller wire representation
  • Jsmaz and Shoco for small string compression
  • JavaFastPFor for integer array compression

General Compression

My feeling is that we don't need general compression algorithms like LZ4, Snappy, etc. (An interesting new one is [Z-STD](http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/2015/01/zstd-stronger-compression- algorithm.html?m=1)). The whole goal of this project is to be able to read from disk or database with minimal or no deserialization / decompression step. Many databases, such as Cassandra, already default to some kind of on-disk compression as well.