
A Prometheus Exporter to monitor Twitter profile activity

Primary LanguageGo

Twitter Prometheus Exporter

Have you ever wanted to plot Twitter followers increasing or decreasing over time and see if they correlate to an event such as a blog post or Tweet? I have, so I build this.

This Prometheus exporter will allow you to track and monitor user metrics such as follows/unfollows, tweets and more over time to give you an idea what content is increasing or decreasing your follower count.


You'll need to Generate a twitter access token pair. The exporter doesn't need to post to Twitter, so you should set the newly created application's permissions model to "Read only".

Once that's done, export the four keys as environment variables.


Then run the exporter, for instance:

twitter_prometheus_exporter -u=example_user

Exported metrics

The exporter provides a set of counters that can be used to determine how frequently keywords are being used.

Metric Notes
twitter_profile_followers_total The total number of followers of the profile.
twitter_profile_following_total The total number of accounts the profile is following
twitter_profile_tweets_total Total number of tweets
twitter_timeline_likes_total Total number of likes across the last n tweets
twitter_timeline_replies_total Total number of replies across the last n tweets
twitter_timeline_retweets_total Total number of retweets across the last n tweets

A full sample of output can be found below:

titter_profile_followers_total{username="example_user"} 1885
twitter_profile_following_total{username="example_user"} 857
twitter_profile_tweets_total{username="example_user"} 13935
twitter_timeline_likes_total{username="example_user"} 108
twitter_timeline_replies_total{username="example_user"} 8
twitter_timeline_retweets_total{username="example_user"} 7