
This is a Futbol (or Soccer) Simulator with Python for a project in the Lisandro Alvarado University

Primary LanguagePython

Futbol Simulator

This is a project for the Lisandro Alvarado University located in Barquisimeto/Venezuela

The idea is development a soccer simulator of matches for the Russia 2018 World Cup with Python using threads with semaphore. you can selected two teams and see who win the game in 90 seconds.


  • You need to install the pygame library and Python 3.6.1 or greater

    • run: python3 -m pip install pygame --user
  • then To see if it works, run one of the included examples:

    • run: python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens

if you have troubles installing pygame go to this link

Instructions for Run

  1. Go to the root folder of the project
  2. Run: python3 simulator.py
  3. All done!


Main Menu

Play menu

Game display