This is a basic used cars inventory management software for small dealerships.

Ruby version

  • 2.7.3p183

System dependencies

  • Ruby 2.7.3p183
  • Rails
  • NodeJs
  • Yarn


  • Clone this Repo

  • Install the required gems (bundle install)

  • Generate binstubs for bundler (bundle binstubs bundler)

  • Install the webpacker dependencies (rails webpacker:install)

  • Run migrations (rails db:migrate)

  • Seed the database (rails db:seed)

  • Start rails server (rails server)

  • It will run on http://localhost:3000

Database creation

  • The database is a file in SQLite, so it should be created automatically for you

How to run the test suite

  • rails test

After you start the server you are going to be able to login with 2 users.

  • user/user (a simple user without privileges)
  • admin/admin (a user with admin privileges that can add, edit and delete cars and dealerships)

You can also register a new username / password and it will be always a simple user