
An application to display a summary of the player from a Stardew Valley save file.

Primary LanguagePython


A Flask webapp using Python Image Library to reconstruct and display a summary of the player and farm from a Stardew Valley save file. A deployed instance is hosted at upload.farm.


config.py goes in the sdv subfolder. The SDV_APP_SETTINGS environment variable is used in order to specify which Python object to load for configuration from config.py as per Flask's config.from_object. In that file the following settings can be used:

Mandatory Settings

UPLOAD_FOLDER where uploaded files are stored

SECRET_KEY for Flask's sessions etc.

MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH in bytes for uploads

PASSWORD_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT (currently unused)

PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH used to determine minimum password length for registering users

IMGUR_CLIENTID for imgur integration

IMGUR_SECRET for imgur integration

IMGUR_DIRECT_UPLOAD to upload directly to imgur by sending file rather than by directing imgur to url (can't redirect imgur to localhost, for example, when testing)

RECAPTCHA_ENABLED for the ReCaptcha on the signup form



ANALYTICS_ID to report interactions server-side to Google Analytics using google-measurement-protocol

DEBUG set to True for helpful debugging; never set to True in production environment

ASSETS_PATH where images are stored

LANGUAGES List of supported languages


USE_SQLITE NOTE: in testing we've moved to Postgres, so this probably doesn't work any more








As per flask-mail docs and your email server


Install prerequisites using a tool like pip (pip3 if you're using Python 3) by running the following command from the root directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need PostgreSQL installed and running. Then create a database:

createdb sdv_summary_development

To create a config file for SDV-Summary:

cp sdv/config.py.sample sdv/config.py

Modify sdv/config.py to specify the user name and password for the PostgreSQL database you created.

Once the config file has been written, run createadmin.py and createdb.py and follow the prompts to create the database structure:

SDV_APP_SETTINGS=development python sdv/createadmin.py
SDV_APP_SETTINGS=development python sdv/createdb.py

To run, the templating engine jinja2 needs sdv\templates\analytics.html to exist.

Run the app using Flask:

FLASK_APP=runserver.py flask run

Assets for image generation go in sdv\assets\[subfolder]. Assets used as-is go in sdv\static\assets\[subfolder].

Run With Docker compose

Create the DB

Build all the containers but start only the postgres one for now. Then, run the createadmin.py from the webapps container:

docker compose build
docker compose up postges
docker run \
    -it \
    -e PYTHONPATH=. \
    -v "$(pwd)"/:/app \
    --network=sdv-summary_postgres \
    sdv-summary_webapp \
    bas -c "python sdv/createadmin.py; python sdv/createdb.py"
docker-compose down

Run the webapp + database

docker compose up

This command:

  • Download necessary docker images for python, postgres and pgAdmin, if not present.
  • Creates a database postgres with user:password postgres:postgres for administration.
  • Creates a database sdv_summary_development and a user:password sdv_summary:sdv_summary with all rights on the sdv_summary_development database.
  • TODO: Creates tables?
  • TODO: Inits data?
  • Runs PGAdmin on port 5050, and postgre on 5432


You can access it on http://localhost:5050 with:

Then you should add a server. Call it "docker" for example. For the connection:

  • host: postgres
  • port: 5432
  • maintenance database: postgres
  • username: admin
  • password: admin

CREATE USER sdv_summary WITH PASSWORD = 'sdv_summary'; CREATE DATABASE sdv_summary_development; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE sdv_summary_development TO sdv_summary;

When you are done for the day, just:

docker compose down

And if you want to nuke the databases LOSING ALL THE DATA:

docker compose down --volumes

Code Style

In order to keep the code style consistent, this project is formatted using Black. However, to avoid hiding previous changes in git blame the file .git-blame-ignore-revs has been introduced. This file can be used with the flag --ignore-revs-file for by adding it to the git config with:

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs


Thank you to our translators, specifically: