
Hasura with Firebase example.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Please note this is missing the client side application. The client side application would typically require a user to be logged in. Once logged in each request to your custom GraphQL sever (for remote schema) would contain an Authorization header, which is forwarded to Hasura. See TODO section at the end of README.


  1. Clone repo.


  1. Create Firebase project.
  2. Enable authentication.
    1. Develop->Authentication->Sign-in method->Email/Password then toggle Enable to on and click Save.
  3. Download private key and save it somewhere secure.
    1. Click on cog icon (next to Project Overview menu item)->Project Settings->Service Accounts->Firebase Admin SKD->Generate new private key.

Hasura Server (one click deploy)

  1. Deploy Hasura GraphQL Engine to Heroku.
  2. Create /hasura/.env/ - these will also need to be created in the Heroku dashboard Settings->Config Vars section.
    1. HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET needs to be set to what is in /hasura/example.env/.
    2. REMOTE_SCHEMA_SERVER_URL will be the Heroku app address of your GraphQL Server (for remote schema), created in next steps.
    3. HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET is your choice, set to whatever you want.
    4. DATABASE_URL is auto-populated in the Heroku dashboard.

GraphQL Server (for remote schema)

  1. Create another project in Heroku dashboard. This will be the graphql server for your remote schema.
  2. Create /server/.env/ - these will also need to be created in the Heroku dashboard Settings->Config Vars section.
    1. APP_BASE needs to be set to what is in /server/example.env/. Used by the monorepo buildpack.
    2. HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT is found in the Hasura server console created from the one click deploy.
    3. YOUR_HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET needs to match the one you set of the Hasura server.
    4. FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL, FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY and FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID are found in the file you downloaded from Firebase.
    5. APOLLO_INTROSPECTION and APOLLO_PLAYGROUND should be set to true.
  3. Add a monorepo build pack.
    1. Settings->Buildpacks->Add buildpack->enter https://github.com/lstoll/heroku-buildpack-monorepo->Save changes.
  4. Add nodejs build pack.
    1. Settings->Buildpacks->Add buildpack->click nodejs->Save changes.
    2. Make sure the nodejs build pack is after the monorepo buildpack.
  5. Commit your new repo to GitHub.
  6. Connect Heroku app to GitHub.
    1. Deploy->Deployment method->GitHub->Connect to GitHub->enter repo name->Search->Connect->Manual deploy->Deploy Branch

Remote Schemas

  1. In the Hasura console go to Remote Schemas.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a name.
  4. Change URL to "From env var.
  6. Check "forward all headers from client".
  7. Click "Add Remote Schema".


  • Implement a front end app
    • Use react.
    • Log in, sign up functionality.
  • Instead of using YOUR_HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET in GraphQL Server (for remote schema) forward headers from front end app.