
Airflow database ingestion of samples

Primary LanguagePython

Airflow Database Ingestion Of Samples

This is the representation of an ingestion example where we will load a dataset into a dataabase using airflow.



The dataset contains information of the TOP 50 songs from each month since the year 2000.


Column Name Type Is Null Description
month VARCHAR(10) False Stat's month and year period
position INTEGER False Chart position
artist VARCHAR(100) False Artist name
song VARCHAR(100) False Song name
indicative_revenue NUMERIC False Revenue generated by a song or album over a certain period
us INTEGER False Song's peak position on US charts
uk INTEGER False Song's peak position on UK charts
de INTEGER False Song's peak position on DE charts
fr INTEGER False Song's peak position on FR charts
ca INTEGER False Song's peak position on CA charts
au INTEGER False Song's peak position on AW charts


Data has been extracted and parsed for ingestion to postgresql from chart2000.com.