This is a ReactJS based personal resume website template for participants of The 6 Figure JavaScript ReactJS Challenge by Rafeh Qazi ,Sonny Sangha and the CleverProgrammers team
- Download the zip folder from Github and unzip it Here is the link to download zip 👉 HERE
- Open the folder in VS Code
- Edit
and add your personal details and projects - Open terminal in VS Code
npm init
, this command can be used to set up a new or existing npm package - RUN
npm install
, this command pulls out all the require node modules - RUN
npm run build
, this command will create a build folder for you - DRAG AND DROP the BUILD folder on Netlify, your app is live now for the world to see
All Credits Goes to Tim Baker Original Repo
Clever Programmers ReactJS Exercise Repo
HTML Design Template Ceevee Template by Styleshout
Header photo credit Eberhard Grossgasteiger
Testimonial photo credit Samuel Zeller