
Genetic algorithm (and hybrid version) for the problem of sorting unsigned permutations by reversals.

Primary LanguageC


This directory contains the source code of the implementation of the following
- Genetic Algorithm for the SUPBR problem (SA-GA).
- Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the SUPBR problem (Hybrid-GA).

The authors of the implementations are:
	Jose Luis Soncco-Alvarez (jose.soncco.alvarez@gmail.com)
	Mauricio Ayala-Rincon (ayala@unb.br)

Both authors from the Group of Theory of Computation at the University of

(SUPBR - "Sorting Unsigned Permutations by Reversals")


The source code was tested under MAC OSX and UBUNTU LINUX platforms. As first
step we need to execute the makefile (for SA-GA):
$ make clean all -f makefile.ga
or (for Hybrid-GA)
$ make clean all -f makefile.hga

The previous commands will generate two executables: 
"ga" (SA-GA) and "hga" (Hybrid-GA). 

Input Data

Initially, the input data was intended to be two permutations that correspond
to the gene order of two organisms with the same gene set. We assume that the
genes of the second organism are represented as increasing naturals, leading
to a identity permutation. Then, we JUST NEED as input the first permutation,
which maintains the same natural number representation for each gene but in
the order of the first organism. 

For instance, if the input data is the permutation {2,4,3,1}, it will have the 
following format:

The first line is the length of the permutation, that is, the number of genes
of an organism. The remaining lines are the gene order of an organism.

The SUPBR problem consists in finding the minimum number of reversals for
transforming an unsigned permutation into the identity permutation.


The two programs, "ga" and "hga", have the same parameters options:

-s : seed for srand() [default: time(NULL)]
-g : number of generations to stop program 
     [default: -1 = number of generations is the input length ]
-e : number of evaluations to stop program 
     [default: -1 = this feature is not used]
-r : number of reversals to stop program 
     [default: -1 = this feature is not used]
-m : print mode [default: final_result]
        -m final_result : print number of reversals, number of evaluations of
                          fitness function, and number of used generations
        -m best_by_gen  : print the best solution by generation
        -m eval_by_gen  : print the number of evaluations of fitness function
                          by generation

Note: The input permutation must be in a file labeled as "i", in this 
directory is included the file "i" with a permutation of length 50. 	

Examples of use of "ga" (or "hga"):

(1) For printing the number of reversals (1st line of output), and using as
    stop condition a number of generations equal to the input length (number 
    of genes):
    $  ./ga -m final_result
    or just
    $ ./ga
    The output of the previous command will also print the number of
    evaluations of the fitness function and the number of used generations 
    at the 2nd and 3rd line of the output.
(2) The same as (1), and fixing the seed (say 77) for the rand() function.
    $ ./ga -s 77 -m final_result
    The output of the previous command will print always the same number of
    reversals, change the seed to see a different output.
(3) For printing the number of reversals, and using as stop condition a number
    of generations equal to some number (say 100):
    $ ./ga -g 100 -m final_result
(4) For printing the number of reversals, and using as stop condition a number
    of evaluations of the fitness function (say 1000):
    $ ./ga -e 1000 -m final_result
    Note that in case the program does not reach the number of specified
    evaluations, the program will use as stop condition the number of
(5) For printing the number of reversals, and using as stop condition a number
    of generations (say 100), or a number of evaluations (say 1500), or a
    number of reversals (say 40):
    $ ./ga -g 100 -e 1500 -r 40 -m final_result
    Note that the program will stop if one of the stop conditions is met.
(6) For printing the best solution by generation:
    $ ./ga -best_by_gen
    Note that the stop condition is a number of generations equal to the
    input length.
(7) For printing the number of evaluations of the fitness function by
    $ ./ga -eval_by_gen
    Note that the stop condition is a number of generations equal to the
    input length.

About the Files

ga.c                : This file contains the main function for executing the
                      genetic algorithm (SA-GA).

hga.c               : This file contains the main function for executing the 
                      hybrid genetic algorithm (Hybrid-GA).

operators.c         : This file contains the breeding operators such as
                      crossover and mutation.

calc_fitness.c      : This file contains a function that calls the 
                      "invdist_circular_nomem" function for calculating the
                      fitness of an individual.

improvement.c       : This file contains the function with the heuristic of 
                      elimination of two breakpoints.

sort_population.c   : This file contains the function for sorting the
                      population by using the counting sort algorithm.

structs_ga.h        : This file contains the structures used by the genetic 
                      algorithm and its hybrid version.

invdist.c           : This file contains the linear time algorithm for
                      computing the reversal distance for signed permutations.
                      This file was taken from GRAPPA software.

uf.c                : This file contains some functions used in "invdist.c"

structs.h           : This file contains structures used in "invdist.c"


(1) Soncco-Alvarez, J. L., & Ayala-Rincon, M. (2013). Sorting permutations by
    reversals through a hybrid genetic algorithm based on breakpoint
    elimination and exact solutions for signed permutations. Electronic Notes
    in Theoretical Computer Science, 292, 119-133.

Bug Reporting

If you find any problem in our programs please contact us to: 
