
Backward Ray tracing

Primary LanguageF#

Backward ray tracing and forward ray tracing have been implemented on this code. The backward ray tracing part is a rendering engine with many primitive types for lights and objects that can be used. The first part explain a little bit the capabilities of the render engine and after that the forward ray tracing part is presented

Render code written in F# *

It can manage:
- Extended lights added as a circular light – directionality added.
- Works with a Sphere type and meshes .obj type simplified
- Multiple reflexions and transmissions included
- Fresnel reflexion term can be used
- Bounding Box implemented to reduce computing time
- Space partitioning implement, BBox of elements in a partition optimized/Redefined. (Test script not good to partitionate)
- Added in the space partitioning technniques an Octree structure (test with an scene of 50000 triangles)
- Parallel implementation throught async F# on BBox and on pixel initialization. Up to now on the initialization only creates 4 procces and cannot be modified. Great Speed-up obtained.

Octree Test with 50k triangles:
Currently this scene is on program.fs
The computing time was: Real: 02:31:33.620, CPU: 07:48:39.953

Previous example with an extended light illuminating the scene:
Script: Test_PreProcessorGrid.fsx – Just comment that this example is not really faster with the space partitioning due to the bounding of the world
Script: Test_AllScene_ExtendedSource.fsx

Forward Ray tracing implemented in the folder with the same name
The forward ray tracing module in mainly written to simulate wave effects of light. With this module many things can be simulated:
- Interferometer configuration (there are some Michelson interferometers scripts)
- Gaussian profile of the beams diverging with an specified radius of curvature.
- Also incoherent transmision and reflection of light are in included on the code.

Testlist Testlist


Image obtained with Test_gourd.fsx:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CN5hUM7WIAA2IVe.png (wrong image)

More samples images:
Before fresnel reflection was included:
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