
a simple wallet api to manage cards and transactions

Primary LanguageJava

Simple Wallet Application

REST API to manage accounts and their transactions.

This project uses H2 (as test database), Lombok, flyway (to run migrations), jdk11, swagger ui, springboot, and springboot jdbc template.


You can test using maven

mvn clean test

It will run all junit tests (including integration ones, using H2 database).

Running the project

If you have a mysql running, you can update the src/main/resources/application.properties to match your mysql config, or you can use our docker-compose file.

The docker-compose will brings up a mysql 5.7 (because flyway is crashing at 8.x for some reason) and after that start the springnboot web application at port 8080.

Running with docker-compose

Using docker-compose I strongly recommend to call a build first and after that the docker-compose command

mvn clean install

after that

docker-compose up mysqldb

Wait until the server comes up, stop the docker-compose with ^C, and after that call the

docker-compose up

Why? Because mysql docker image brings up a temp server, shutdown that server and start a definitive one in the first startup. If you does not give enough time to it, you can connect on the temp server and got a disconnection right after you application comes up.

If you catch erros related with flyway with failed migrations, I suggest to remove the mysql image, the mysql container and run it again.

Running with maven and mysql

You can run it locally using an already online mysql (update the src/main/resources/application.properties to match your credentials) and calling

mvn clean compile spring-boot:run

It will bring the application app using your mysql database (be aware about the flyway running on every startup to make sure the database model is properly configured);

Running with maven and h2

If you want to run it using the H2 in memory database (just to see how the project works), you can the command

mvn clean compile spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=test

If you get any error due db h2 test profile, you can uncomment all the lines at the src/main/resources/application.properties and run it again.

You be able to see the h2 content running on the web console http://localhost:8080/h2.


This project has a swagger ui running at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html, you can use it to test calls and list available commands.

Project structure

  • The project follows a default maven application structure, with src, tests, resources and so on;
  • You can find the flyway sql files at src/main/resources/db/migration;