Flutter Workshop


This repository contains the materials, code, and exercises from the Flutter Workshop. It is aimed at helping beginners and intermediate developers get hands-on experience with Flutter, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications.

Key Sections:

  • Basic Flutter Setup: Instructions on setting up a Flutter development environment.
  • Widgets and Layouts: Examples and exercises on working with various Flutter widgets.
  • State Management: Covers different state management techniques in Flutter, including setState(), Provider, and more.
  • Project Examples: Contains example projects developed during the workshop.

Folder Structure

├── Setup_Instructions/        # Guide to set up Flutter and run the first app
│   ├── flutter_installation.md # Step-by-step guide to install Flutter SDK
│   └── first_app.md           # Tutorial on creating and running the first Flutter app
├── Widgets_and_Layouts/       # Examples and exercises on Flutter widgets and layouts
│   ├── basic_widgets.dart     # Examples of basic widgets like Container, Row, Column, etc.
│   └── custom_layouts.dart    # Examples of creating custom layouts
├── State_Management/          # State management techniques
│   ├── setstate_example.dart  # Example of state management using setState()
│   └── provider_example.dart  # Example using the Provider package for state management
└── Projects/                  # Sample projects from the workshop
    ├── todo_app/              # Simple To-Do app using Flutter
    └── weather_app/           # Weather app using an API integration

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/josethomas45/flutter_workshop.git
  2. Install Flutter: Follow the instructions in the Setup_Instructions/flutter_installation.md file to install Flutter on your machine.

  3. Run the examples: Navigate to the folder of the example you want to try and use the Flutter CLI to run the app:

    flutter run

Key Topics Covered

  1. Flutter Basics:

    • Introduction to Flutter and setting up a development environment.
    • Basics of widgets, layouts, and creating user interfaces in Flutter.
  2. State Management:

    • Simple state management using setState().
    • Using the Provider package for more scalable state management in larger apps.
  3. Project Examples:

    • A To-Do List App: A simple app to add, delete, and manage tasks.
    • A Weather App: Fetches weather information using an API and displays it using a clean Flutter UI.


  • Flutter SDK: Download the Flutter SDK for your platform.
  • Dart: Flutter is powered by Dart, which comes with the SDK.
  • Android Studio or Visual Studio Code: For an integrated development environment (IDE) with Flutter support.

How to Contribute

Contributions are welcome! Follow the steps below to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  4. Push the changes to your branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


For any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to reach out:

Jose Thomas
GitHub Profile