Tree Traversals Algorithms
Deep First Traversal
Is an algorithm to traverse a tree by first visiting the child of a node in case of existing instead of the sibling of the current parent's node. By oposition to "Breath First", when the traverse choice is to visit first the sibling of the current parent's node. This algorithm makes use of an stack to track the visited nodes and a list to track the output. The algorithm works by adding into the visited node's stack and the output list the current visited node. In case the current visited node is a leaf, this node is removed from the visited node's stack and then pointer is moved to the next node of the stack (that will be the parent of this current node) so a new child of this revisited parent node is tagerted to be visited. In case there is no more children to visit the current visited node is remove from the visited node's stack and and then pointer is moved to the next node of the stack. The algorithm finish when the stack is empty.
Searching for charactern in some strings
Implementation of 2 search algorithms for characters in an String.
implementation in: lib/find_chars.js
Tests in : spec/lib/chars_in_string_spec.js
npm run test-lib
Array Manipuilation
Sorted Array Compact
implementation in: lib/arrays.js
Tests in : spec/lib/array_compact_spec.js
npm run test-lib
Array Rotation
implementation in: lib/arrays.js
Tests in : spec/lib/rotate_array_spec.js
npm run test-lib
Least Common Multiple
Calculate the LCM of a list of integers using a algorithm by reducing the minimun prime factor of the list until no further reduction is possible.
implementation in: lib/arrays.js
Tests in : spec/lib/lcm_spec.js
npm run test-lib
Angular TODO app
Implemeting a simple Angular TODO app with PouhDB and 10 secs synchronization.
implementation in: app/todo/*
Tests in : spec/app/*
npm test