Audio Device Switcher is a Windows 10 app that makes it easy to quickly switch your default playback device as well as your recording device using hotkeys.
- AkazaRenn
- andrewglanzzzCincinnati, OH
- CarGri
- CesarHuez
- cvlvxicvlvxi
- Cyp9715Seoul, Republic of Korea
- dgm90@genestack
- ergofriendHatena Co., Ltd. (@hatena)
- Frumkin13
- jasondemps1@OffWorld-Developments @DigitalRaygun
- jdmark
- jhonathasSão Gonçalo
- kissge@Legalscape
- LegoCodr
- mactuz
- marcelOlecram
- nsilvias
- pratyushtewariNew York
- rcbevans@AZX-PBC
- rishabhkrmahatonerd doctor from pdugmc rajkot
- s1vn
- SaintPeterFree Code Camp
- ss005
- subsubsubsubsubsub
- TheMisterDog
- vip32
- zapy85Stockhom, Sweden