
API for defining and requiring private modules.

Primary LanguageElixir


API for defining and requiring private modules.

Private modules work by declaring exactly which other module prefixes can access it:

import Defmodulep

defmodulep MyApp.Private, visible_to: [MyApp] do
  def hello do
    IO.puts "hello world"

In the definition above, only MyApp and modules nested under it can access MyApp.Private.

To access a private module, you must explicitly require it by using requirep/2 and explicitly give it an alias:

defmodule MyApp.Other do
  import Defmodulep
  requirep MyApp.Private, as: Private

Private modules can be arbitrarily nested too:

defmodulep MyApp.Private, visible_to: [MyApp] do
  defmodulep Nested, visible_to: [MyApp] do
    def hello do
      IO.puts "hello world"

Requiring MyApp.Private does not automatically require MyApp.Private.Nested. It still need to be explicitly required either directly:

requirep MyApp.Private.Nested, as: Nested

If you have already required Private, you can also require Nested from the Private alias:

requirep MyApp.Private, as: Private
requirep Private.Nested, as: Nested


defmodulep works as defmodule as it can be accessed directly following its definition:

defmodule Foo do
  defmodulep Bar, visible_to: [MyApp] do

  Bar # We can access bar here even if not in visible_to

In other words, a more correct description of defmodulep is that it is visible to any following module declared in the same file or to any module declared in visible_to. In fact, :visible_to may be skipped for nested private modules which means they are only accessible to the following modules in the same file.


In order to test a private module, you need to make sure the private module is visible to the test module. Since most private modules are visible to their own rootname, testing just works if you follow Elixir's testing conventions. For instance, a private module MyApp.Foo.Bar is likely visible to MyApp or MyApp.Foo, which means the default test module, which is MyApp.Foo.BarTest, should have access to the private module. In other words, the following code should work just fine:

# lib/my_app/foo/bar.ex
defmodulep MyApp.Foo.Bar, visible_to: MyApp.Foo do

# test/my_app/foo/bar_test.exs
defmodule MyApp.Foo.BarTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

Inspecting private modules

Private modules work by being assigned a different naming structure. If you define a private module Foo.Bar, it will actually be compiled as :"Elixirp.Foo.Bar". This naming is public, which means you can access it directly if you want to bypass the visibility rules in rare situations such as debugging of live system. Note that bypassing such behaviour is extremely discouraged otherwise


This library has the following limitations:

  • If you define defmodulep Foo and then defmodule Foo, this library won't warn.

  • The fact it requires an explicit requirep function is also a limitation on its own. Ideally, we would use Elixir's require/2, although that would demand changes to Elixir's Parallel Compiler.

  • If you invoke SomePrivateModule.foo without requiring it, the error message says the module does not exist, but we could do a better job and say it is actually a private module.

  • Private modules are printed literally as :"Elixirp.Foo.Bar" but they could be shown as Foo.Bar when inspected.

  • If you define a module defmodule Public nested inside defmodulep Private, Public cannot be accessed directly but only via requirep Private, as: Private and then by calling Private.Public. This can be fixed if we change Module.concat/1 to be aware of Elixirp prefixes. In other words, a defmodule Public inside defmodulep should remain public but it doesn't in this implementation. This is an important property to hold because Elixir doesn't really have the concept of namespaces.

All of those limitations could be addressed by adding defmodulep to Elixir.


Add defmodulep to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:defmodulep, "~> 0.1", github: "josevalim/defmodulep"}]


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.