AUTOR: Vladimir Castañeda

Local run

docker-compose up

After the containers are up (app and mongo), you can access the api documentation: http://localhost:8081/api/docs

Inside the postman directory there are 2 files containing the variables and requests to the api. These files can be uploaded to the postman app.

Api in AWS EC2

This api is deployed on an aws EC2 machine, it can be accessed at the following url:


When doing the integration tests, the api gave these 2 messages as a response:

by https

  "data": {
    "success": false,
    "error": {
      "code": 105,
      "type": "https_access_restricted",
      "info": "Access Restricted - Your current Subscription Plan does not support HTTPS Encryption."

by http

  "data": {
    "success": false,
    "error": {
      "code": 105,
      "type": "function_access_restricted",
      "info": "Access Restricted - Your current Subscription Plan does not support this API Function."

To solve this problem and have the api deliver a USD->ARS and ARS->USD flow, you have to make this request:

In local environment:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/api/health?cache=true' \
--header 'accept: application/json'

or in the aws environment:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'accept: application/json'

This creates 2 cache records that will last 10 minutes and the requests will take that data (1 USD -> 200 ARS / 1 ARS -> 0.004879 USD) and do the calculations corresponding to the requests (USD->ARS and ARS ->USD) .