
ContentQ CMS is an open source managemen system to deploy a site on Google cloud.

Primary LanguagePython


ContentQ CMS is an open source managemen system to deploy a site on Google cloud.

Jose Maria Zambrana Arze contact@josezambrana.com


Windows Installation

Instructions to deploy ContentQ on google app engine in a windows machine.


  • Python 2.5
  • ContentQ CMS
  • A google account

Step 1: Install Python

Download and install python 2.5 for windows.

Step 2: Create a google app engine app.

  1. Sign in http://appengine.appspot.com with your google account.
  2. Click on create application button.
  3. If it is not your first application go to 6.
  4. Verify your account by sms. enter your country, carrier (if needed) and your mobile phone number. Click Send.
  5. Once you get the code on your mobile. enter it on the form. Click on Send.
  6. Type your an identifier and a title for your application and click on Create Application
  7. An application is now created. You can deploy your contentq instance.

Step 3 - Get ContentQ CMS

Download ContentQ source code from github:

Github URL https://github.com/josezambrana/ContentQ-CMS/tree/master
Github Download URL https://github.com/josezambrana/ContentQ-CMS/tarball/master
Public Clone URL git://github.com/josezambrana/ContentQ-CMS.git

Extract the ZIP archive and save to a folder (c:/)

Step 4 - Deploying your ContentQ app

  1. Open explorer and go to c:/contentq-latest/
  2. Open app.yaml with some editor (Ex. notepad++) and change the value of "aplication" to your Application Identifier.
  3. Open settings.py with some editor (Ex. notepad++) and change the value of "APP_ID" to your Application Identifier.
  4. Open the command line.
  5. Go to the project path. cd /contentq-latest
  6. Run the command: python manage update
  7. Enter your google username and password.
  8. The site now can be configurated

Step 5 - Configurating your site.

  1. Wait some time until the indexes start serving. You can review the status of them on your App Dashboard>>Datastore Indexes
  2. Open a browser and go to your application address.
  3. Fill the install form with the configuration for your site and the info for your admin user. Click on install.
  4. Your contentq app is ready and you can start creating some content