
In this reprositorio the CLAHE technique (Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization) is presented, in the area of image processing one of the most used functions is the enhancement contrast, this technique is used when an image has a deficient contrast. Moreover, CLAHE was originally developed for medical imaging and has been shown to be successful in low-contrast imaging.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


In this reprositorio the CLAHE technique (Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization) is presented, in the area of image processing one of the most used functions is the contrast enhancement, this technique is used when an image has a deficient contrast. Moreover, CLAHE was originally developed for medical imaging and has been shown to be successful in low-contrast imaging.

references: CLAHE Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization K. Zuiderveld, "Contrast limited adaptive histograph equalization," in: P.S. Heckbert (Ed.), Graphic Gems IV, Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 1994, pp. 474-485.