
Source code to quickly customize colors for the London Theme in Outsystems

Primary LanguageCSSThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Source code to quickly customize colors for the London Theme in Outsystems

alt text


To compile to CSS, run the command lessc london.less > london.css
For details, refer to this page.

Create a new theme

Simply change the color variables in variables.less, compile, and copy/paste the contents of your generated london.css into your project theme.


@color-1-bg - the background color for the page header, primary buttons, links, and active menu items
@color-1-fg - the foreground color for the page header, primary buttons, links, and active menu items
@color-2-bg - the background color for the menu bar and non-primary buttons
@color-2-fg - the foreground color for the menu bar and non-primary buttons