
This is a Java program that gets user input and store it in an array. A for loop is implemented to loop through the array until it gets three integer inputs from the user and sums it up then the result is displayed to the user. With the application of a do while loop, the program prompts the user to press 1 to continue the program or press any other to exit the program. Methods used: Arrays, for loop and do while loop.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Java program that gets user input and store it in an array. A for loop is implemented to loop through the array until it gets three integer inputs from the user and sums it up then the result is displayed to the user. With the application of a do while loop, the program prompts the user to press 1 to continue the program or press any other to exit the program. Methods used: Arrays, for loop and do while loop.