
A bash script that can be used for auto updating SickChill

Primary LanguageShell

SickChill Updater

After updating to the PIP version of SickChill, I found that it was no longer automatically updating so I wrote a quick script.

I've setup a cron job to run this script once an hour (Yeah I know, its definitely overkill, but the entire reason I created this was because I got sick of seeing the "update available" banner)


Download the updater script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/josh-gaby/sickchill-updater/master/update_sickchill.sh

OR clone using Git

git clone https://github.com/josh-gaby/sickchill-updater

Make the script executable:

chmod +x update_sickchill.sh

Next you'll need to edit the script and change a couple of variables:

nano update_sickchill.sh

If you installed SickChill using Git:

SICKCHILL_PATH="/path/to/your/sickchill/installation"  # i.e. ~/sickchill

If you installed SickChill using PIP:

SICKCHILL_PATH="/path/to/your/sickchill/installation" # i.e. ~/pip/bin

For pip installations there is also an optional variable you can change called PIP_PATH, setting this will allow you to run the updates and restart Sickchill using a version of pip other than the default system version.

NOTE: If you set PIP_PATH and leave the PYTHON_PATH empty then the updater script will attempt to call the version of pyhyon inside your PIP_PATH to restart SickChill.