This is a repository for my JavaScript enabled Chess game by Joshua Levinson ( Will initially be created with JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI. Human players/interface. Stages of development are: 1. Setup basic board/pieces 2. Work on piece attributes 3. Determine legal maneuvers 4. Setup capturing/scoring 5. Setup end game conditions 6. Work on Computer AI Current progress: 1. Game board is represented, both in model and UI 2. Moves are generally legal 3. Checkmate can be achieved 4. Castling/Pawn Promotion have now been implemented 5. Finished En Passant and fixed checkmate bugs. 6. More testing to follow. 7. Fixed bug preventing King from moving into space directly above/below pawn (false check flag) 8. Fixed checkmate bug. 9. Fixed pawns moving up bug. (Very stupid.) Current (known) bugs: 1. Pieces can move even if they are blocking check