for resiliency sustainability group - looking at heat and flooding areas
We are focusing on the summer months from 2014 to 2019 in NYC.
- data
- input
- Parks Properties (
- Airport Polygon (
- landsat_st (from Landsat folder on G drive)
- Ground_Monitor_Temps_NYC (from Landsat folder on G drive)
- input
US Landsat 4-8 ARD: Provisional Surface Temperature (ST)
- Make an account at (
- Install Bulk Download Application
- On Earth Exloper site search panel, select desired criteria:
- Date Range: 2014 to 2020
- Datasets: US Landsat 4-8 ARD
- Tile grid horizontal: 29 (NYC)
- Tile grid vertical: 7 (NYC)
- search for tile grid here
- Follow BIG DATA Download instructions from the blog site (
- Where the instructions say "Choose “Non-Limited Results” and “CSV” in order to export the metadata of every single file found to a csv-file (which is a text file)" choose "Comma (,) Delimited" format instead.
Ground Monitor Temperature:
- Select your local stations. (Central Park, LaGuardia, Kennedy) Local Climatological Data (LCD)
- You need to add the data to your cart, then go to your cart, where you can select that you want a csv and subset to the dates you are interested in.
- Satellite Readings
- Cloud Cover:
- Comparing Ground Monitor temperatures to Satellite readings