Similar to how I did in my polyline practice repo I'm speedrunning this.


Confirming what I did last time around. It wasn't quite in a working state then, but it is now. So, doing a git add and git commit

Commit ed380b

Oh, but it's not getting enqued. If I bring back a sleep count, you can interact with the app and see the problem.

So, do this:

--- a/app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ def create
     logger.debug "about to call worker from QuotesController"
     #[:mailers][:email], params[:mailers][:thought])

-["quote_mailer"]["email"], params["quote_mailer"]["thought"])
+    SendGifToUserJob.perform_async(params["quote_mailer"]["email"], params["quote_mailer"]["thought"])
     flash[:message] = "You did it! Email sent to #{params["quote_mailer"]["email"]}"
     redirect_to "/sent"

Now, if you're keeping an eye on your redis 'server', you'll see a bunch of lpush but not lpop:

// start redis (optionally in a background tab):
$ redis-server &

// run a `monitor running redis instance` program to look for lines containing magical strings:
$ redis-cli monitor | grep -E "(hset|lpush)"

Now fire off some jobs, and watch them piling up in that tab. More info here:

How to get those jobs to drain... hm. Also, shouldn't I be able to see a live Redis dashboard somewhere?


Pushed along a bit farther, I've now got this basically working in a very naïve, local-only way.

To use mailcatcher (which I love), I had to deviate from gem install mailcatcher because of random openssl errors. I tried to get it working, then found this

$ gem install mailcatcher -- --with-cflags="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"

Phew, I've got a very basic version of this all working. Don't like it, but leaving it here for now.

Useful links:


I pay close attention to timestamps. We're just a few minutes in, I just added (and this publically listed the beginning of)

10026  rails _7.0.2_ new power-broker-quotes --database postgresql --css tailwind
10028  lr
10029  cd power-broker-quotes
10030  hub create
10031  heroku create -a 'power-broker-quotes'
10032  atom .
10033  ga .

lets pick up here:

We'll do a gif-generator, aiming to reproduce this more-or-less exactly, but in Rails 7, and local.

Going to take a 5 min break. I am 20 minutes into this laptop session, only a little bit of it spent on this app exactly. Feeling good.

To launch the app:

rails g scaffold User email:string
rails g controller Home show

set root to home#show

create the DB

rails db:setup
rails db:migrate

(I'm copying generously from (

Lets check that our root is set to home#show in localhost...

It works!

rails g mailer QuoteMailer

err, not liking this, gonna try to get the OG repo up and working locally then go from there.

Only spent 30 min on this, so making good progress w/jobs. Making a big WIP commit...


Spent some time trying to get my clone of Turing's repo running locally:, and was unsuccessful.

So, I'm going to replicate the general functionality in this Rails 7 app I just created.

I am combing through the commits on the repo with git log -p, from rails new forward.

So far, I'm going to take out most (or all?) of the gems