Re-doing Steve's rails authentication from scratch tutorial:

My first time through, I recorded all of my notes here:

This time I'm using Tailwind, so I'm going to see how styling things goes, and I might eventually try to deploy this thing so I can get real emails.

I like the flexibility I can have with rolling my own authentication, and I want to be able to do it skillfully.

For practice, I'm planning deviating from the tutorial in small ways and large, to reinforce my mental models of how it's all working.

step 0:

rails new rails-auth-from-scratch-02 -d postgresql --css=tailwind

Step 1: Build User Model

rails g model RegularUser email:string nickname:string first_name:string last_name:string
rails g migration  add_avatar_to_regular_users avatar:string // add one more string column to RegularUser for an avatar
# regular_user.rb
class RegularUser < ApplicationRecord
  before_save :set_nickname
  def set_nickname
    self.nickname = "#{first_name} #{last_name}"
# seeds.rb
5.times do |n|
    first_name: Faker::Name.first_name,
    last_name: Faker::Name.last_name,
    avatar: Faker::Avatar.image(size: "50x50", format: "jpg")
b rails db:create
b rails db:migrate
b rails db:seed

Step 2: Add Confirmation and Password Columns to Users Table

instead of StaticPage#home, I'm going to create a BookQuotes table, populate it, and make the route/home page be the book_quotes#index:

> b rails g scaffold BookQuote quote:string book_title:string regular_user:references

hm, messed up the scaffold, shouldn't have used regular_user:references the way that I did.

I'll tear this all down, roll back the migration(s), and try a second time.