
Primary LanguageJava

The setup directions for this course are described below. See the official course videos for a detailed video walkthrough of these steps.

Installing Java


Install the latest version of Java at this link: https://adoptopenjdk.net

Mac OS

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Run: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  3. Run: brew doctor

  4. If you encounter a warning asking you to download Command Line Tools, you will need to do this. Please follow the StackOverflow post here.

  5. Run: brew cask install java


Install the newest version of Java using the appropriate package manager, e.g. apt. For example:

sudo apt install openjdk-15-jdk git

Installing IntelliJ

  1. Download the community edition of IntelliJ from IDEA's website: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/.

  2. Start IntelliJ.

  3. In the bottom right hand corner click "Configure", then "Plugins". Use the search box to search for "Java Visualizer" by Eli Lipsitz. Install the plugin.

Installing a Text Editor and Git

  1. Install a text editor on your computer. We recommend Sublime Text https://www.sublimetext.com/, Atom https://atom.io/ or Visual Studio Code https://code.visualstudio.com/. See this link for a review of these text editors.

  2. Download the Git version control software from http://git-scm.com/download/.

  3. Run the git installer. When you get to the option that says "Choosing the default text editor used by git", select the editor you installed in part 1.

Using Git to Download Course Material

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer. If you're not sure how to do this, see below:


Using the start menu, run "git bash". If you can't find it, the default place it would have been installed is C:\Program Files\Git\bin.

Mac OS

Press command+space to open the Spotlight menu. Type "terminal". Press enter.

  1. In your home directory, enter the command: git clone https://github.com/joshHug/E234.git. This will copy the coure repository to your computer.

Using IntelliJ to Run Code

  1. Open IntelliJ.

  2. From the main menu, click "Open or Import".

  3. Open the lec1 folder inside the E234 folder.

  4. On the sidebar to the left click "HelloNumbers".

  5. Click the green run button at the top left and the code should run, printing out the numbers from 0 to 9.