Unit-4 PayPal Standard

4-5:PayPal Add To Cart Buttons (s) Example

PayPal offers a shopping cart to its users. You can have your website interact with PayPal's shopping cart using a set of buttons. Use the Add To Cart and the View Cart buttons from PayPal to create an example product page.

Create a web page that will implement the following "Add to Cart" activities:

  1. Display 5 products or services on your page.
  2. One or more products should have a fixed cost cost and information.
  3. One or more fields should provide a drop-down list for sizes, colors, package deals, etc.
  4. One or more products should have a drop-down list for different prices.
  5. One or more fields should provide a text field that allows for customization of your product. For example: monograms, special messages, etc.
  6. Use the tax rate from your Seller's profile.
  7. Apply a shipping fee on one or more items.
  8. One or more items should not be charged shipping.
  9. Implement a View Cart button on your page.

Demonstrate your example to the class using your Sandbox accounts.