
A modular design framework for the minimalist designer

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Alpha Version 0.3.0


Cluster is a modular and customisable web design framework written with the full power of SCSS. Cluster makes it super easy to create a lightweight design framework that is custom built for your latest project using minimal effort and time.

Cluster includes a healthy set of default styles but is designed to be customised.

##Why Cluster?

I wrote Cluster because I found other frameworks to be bloated and wasteful, often including a lot of styles that were not used or needed.

Another reason was so I could mix and match bits of my favourite frameworks and other reusable design patterns.

For example - don't use navbars in your design? No problem, just comment out the _navigation.scss file in the main cluster.scss. The main cluster.scss file acts like a controller (for those familiar for MVC) and provides a central place to manage parts of the framework.

Cluster is easy to customise and therefore promotes creating distinct and reusable design patterns, avoiding much of the typical problem with framework designs looking too similar.

##How to get set up

You'll need a few things, I'll share my workload with you here but there are many other ways of working with Cluster.

  1. Grab the files, either download the zip or clone.
  2. Install SCSS/SASS the best install instructions can be found here.
  3. Include src/css/cluster.css in the head of your html file.
  4. Make global changes to the src/scss/cluster.scss file.
  5. Project specific styles should be added to src/scss/project.scss (this file will be loaded last).
  6. If you want code highlighting add src/css/syntax/highlight.min.css to the head of your page and src/js/highlight.min.js to the bottom (just before the closing body tag).

###Pro tip: Compiling SCSS on the go for free

I use a free application on my mac called Prepros to compile SCSS on the fly. Prepros watches your project folder for changes to your SCSS files and compiles them everytime you save the file. There's also a paid version but the free version works great.

###Code highlighting: how to add languages

The current version of the highlight.min.js script only highlights HTML (I did this to save space) check out Prism.js to make your own custom build and add highlighting for other languages and add different highlighting css themes. All you'll need to do is rename your outputted JS file to highlight.min.js (if using a minified version) or alternatively update your reference to the highlighting js file in your web page.

##To do

  1. Default style documentation;
  2. Icons (fix or swap to a new default icon pack);
  3. More complicated form styles;
  4. Responsive table styles;
  5. Image/video/audio styles; and
  6. A set of example designs.


Special thanks and recognition to the following frameworks and open source projects for their hard work or inspiration: