
Project Overview

The following analysis was performed to determine the results of removing the 9th grade math and reading scores for Thomas High School on the following data summaries:

  1. School District Summary

  2. School Summary

  3. Top 5 & Bottom 5 Schools based on Overall Passing percentage

  4. a) Average Math & Reading Scores by Grade

    b) Scores by School Spending

    c) Scores by School Size

    d) Scores by School Type

NOTE: Due to GitHub DataFrame rendering issues for Jupyter Notebook files, the PyCitySchools_Challenge.ipynb file can also be viewed here.



The removal of 9th grade reading and math scores from Thomas High School has resulted in the following changes:

1. School District Summary

  • 0.1 decrease in the Average Math score.
  • 0.2% decrease in the students passing math.
  • 0.1% decrease in the students passing reading.
  • 0.3% decrease in the students overall passing score.

a) Original

b) Revised

2. School Summary

a) Original

b) Results excluding 9th grade math and reading scores for Thomas High School (Ref:Cell 16)

  • An approximate 0.07 decrease for the average math score.
  • An approximate 0.05 decrease for the average reading score.
  • An approximate 26.36% decrease in the students passing math percentage.
  • An approximate 27.65% decrease in the students passing reading percentage.
  • An approximate 25.87% increase in the students overall passing percentage.

c) Results excluding all 9th grade students from Thomas High School (Ref:Cell 27)

  • An approximate 26.28% increase in the students passing math percentage.
  • An approximate 27.63% increase in the students passing reading percentage.
  • An approximate 25.55% increase in the students overall passing percentage.

3. Top & Bottom 5 Schools based on Overall Passing percentage

a) With an Overall Passing Percentage of 90.63% Thomas High has maintained the second-place position in the top 5 schools.

  • Top 5 Schools Revised

  • Top 5 Schools Original

b) No reportable effects have occurred to the Bottom 5 performing schools.

4. a) Average Math & Reading Scores by Grade

  • The results for Thomas High's 9th grade average Math (left) and Reading (right) scores have been nullified on both tables without having any effect on the remaining grades 10 - 12.

  • Based on the revised results, no significant reportable changes have been made to the following DataFrames:

b) Scores by School Spending

c) Scores by School Size

d) Scores by School Type